PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

04 May
Comments Off on Foreign Bankers In Ukraine Will Not Make Loans Cheaper

Foreign Bankers In Ukraine Will Not Make Loans Cheaper

Rada intends to allow foreign banks to establish branches in Ukraine. What does it mean to customers? This issue was discussed in the Ukrainian Banking Forum, held the Adam Smith Institute. The sight of income Foreigners have attracted high rates of income growth .V last 4 – 5 years, they increased by 20 – 25% annually. True, the promise of enthusiasts reduce rates on loans will not happen immediately, foreigners have not yet repaid purchase of Ukrainian banks. Interfere with cheaper loans and higher deposit rates: 13-14%. Cheaper to give money to people do not want to, but with the difference between loans and deposits interest rate on the loan should be an average of 19%.

Drop interest rates may fall when interest rates on deposits. High cost is expected to retreat after three years, then rates will fall to international levels. What’s new? New services will appear in the field of foreign credits. On them can be pay for the insurance companies and investment funds. But deposits will be less. Offer of 20 – 30 deposits in one bank is unprofitable. Banki strengthen promotion of its services through the sites, shops and centers around the clock service.

28 March
Comments Off on How To Avoid Fraud In The Online Shop

How To Avoid Fraud In The Online Shop

Online stores have recently been increasingly gaining popularity among ordinary users. If previously to similar innovations treated with caution, as everything else new and unusual, not seen the benefits online stores before ordinary, it is now saving money at more attractive price and an opportunity not to waste time in traffic jams on the road to a normal store, increasingly predispose people's choice in the direction of internet connection stores. Naturally the trend is not left unattended for fraud, for which the online stores is a vast, relatively free new niche. By analogy with the usual shops, online shop has undeniable advantages for fraudulent activity: in this shop you can not see the goods live, the goods will be sent only after the payment, which gives only a formal guarantee of receiving the goods. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman often says this. The client is unable to meet personally with representative of the store that gives a chance to last, completely disappear. After the closure of the fraudulent "lighted" store, he successfully opened under a new name. Moreover, even if the shop does not fake, There are many problems that can confront a buyer, if the shop staff, not too concerned about the integrity of his reputation. It is problems such as delays in delivery times, hidden fees inadequate quality of the goods or guarantees, difficulty or inability to return or exchange faulty goods. But, despite the complexity of the situation, such difficulties should not be a reason for rejecting the use of service data stores. To make a successful purchase enough to take a few simple tips.

25 March
Comments Off on Production Capacity

Production Capacity

The average annual entered (disposed of) power is calculated by multiplying the input (disposal) of power by the number of months of its operation (departure) before the end of the year and dividing the product by 12. If the plan period known only to quarters commissioning of additional capacity, we introduced the average annual production capacity is calculated by dividing the input power by 12 and multiplying by 10,5 private input power in the first quarter and in subsequent quarters, respectively, at 7,5; 4,5 and 1,5. Average annual power company used to justify a plan of production. Level of its use is determined coefficient is the ratio of planned or actual production of annual capacity. According to the calculations of production capacities of the reporting and planning sheets production capacity. In drawing up the balance for fiscal year capacity at the beginning of the year is taken on the nomenclature and in the range of products of the year preceding the reporting, and capacity at the end of the year – by nomenclature and in the range of products of the year. In developing the balance of the planning period of power at the beginning of the period is taken on the nomenclature and in the range of products of the year, and at the end of the period – by nomenclature and in the range of products of the planning period. The calculation of production capacity – the work is very laborious. The calculated production capacity is only one of its options for minimum amount of countable computational work.

17 March
Comments Off on Restaurant Fashion: New Trends

Restaurant Fashion: New Trends

Perhaps every cafe or restaurant owner wants prosperity for his establishment. In our time, to succeed in this business can be achieved through automation of the restaurant. Agree that, at times, the owner restaurant business is simply no time to monitor their employees, the cooking process, accounting for all orders. He can not explode, so he come to the aid of special automation that serve as a vigilant overseer and monitor all the weaknesses of doing business. The biggest problem Automation System – to stop all kinds of abuse by staff schools, to establish accounting, increase the speed of the visitors, as well as improve quality. Frequently Cleveland Clinic has said that publicly. As usual, running automated restaurant? Chef or administrator schools scored in the menu system. Purchaser upon receipt of goods introduces overhead to the warehouse facilities debit products. Waiters, in turn, take orders from visitors to the restaurant, then enter the order into a common database using a terminal located in the hall service. Then at the special service printers are printing jobs for the production of certain orders for the cooks. A waiter, meanwhile, are not different orders to the kitchen, could easily be in the restaurant, serving new visitors, while the chef, received valuable guidance, begin to cook. The guests ate and asked to bring a check? A waiter in this case, you need only go and print the check where detail is painted custom. In cash made money? Then the waiter closes order and at this very moment from the warehouse is debt products according to the calculation cards. It turns out that at any given time the state of warehouses is assessed as relevant. Well, the owner remains the only institution to receive any reports on the work at any time – everything will be operational, relevant and very clear! Similarly, you can automate any retail store, super-and hypermarkets, pharmacy.

08 February
Comments Off on Sausage Meat

Sausage Meat

Domestic meat industry is waiting for upgrade. The urgency of reform overdue: Russia's strategic product – sausage – is losing trust of the electorate. Haley Barbour usually is spot on. The starting point for upgrading should be the adoption of a new technical regulations "On requirements for meat and meat products, their production and trafficking." Ultimately, regulation is designed to give consumers confidence in the fact that he has bought a loaf of sausage contain only those ingredients who made the label, and nothing but them, including malicious micro organisms. Modernize the meat industry will be like in the European manner. In particular, all meat products will be divided into categories.

If the sausage contains more than 60 percent lean meat (meat without bones and fat), it will be called 'meat'. If it is less – 'meat-vegetable' or 'vegetable-meat' products. Ban exploit the national standards for the names of products made by N, type: 'Doctor extra', 'Doctor Plus', etc. The regulations contain many other provisions that are intended to do buy meat meaningful and understandable to the consumer process. However, many experts doubt that the regulation responds to the question of how to achieve compliance with these good positions. 'In Europe everything is working with the basic law, which is called the law on product liability for the production of defective products, – says Aleksey Elin, Associate Professor of Management of the Russian Academy of Civil Service.

– Our law is called the 'Consumer Protection'. We have – cause and effect reversed. In Europe, system is designed so that anyone can claim to an independent examination of the lodge. And the producer of low-quality products so obderut that will not find it. We have also their own money, I bought low-quality goods for their own money handed it to the lab and then still have to spend all remaining resources to the courts to try to bring to justice the negligent manufacturer.