PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for January, 2018

19 January
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The Shell

By the way, I find until you were you attacked who me in the side of the river! _ Not! I was not, not! He was what he is in the hospital! It is who makes this type of service, because erra the shot and does not have more easiness pra if to hide! _ Thus is well better! The more you to collaborate, more early will be free of us. By the way, he seems that you are welcome the esperteza of it was valid He does not seem to be very well of health! He concluded, forgetting itself the anguish of moments before, also feeling one pontinha of pride and mrbido revenge flavor, of which if it freed so soon perceived the way for where it enveredava. One recovered and it came back to the attack: _ But was you who shot there in me back in the house yard, was not! _ Not! Of this time it was what it is there inside! _ And as was that it made to shoot over the house? _Ele was inside of the shell of the carregadeira shovel! It could be hidden while it walked for the street and to be higher of what the roof! The youngster felt a calafrio and thanked the God for being alive. If they were not its consequences or another one dom above of its agreement, would be at that moment, underneath of the land, being gnawed by the worms. The thought made to it to go up terrible emotion and it asked for license to breathe e, why not, to cry a little and to disencumber the oppression of the chest. It returned and it was hurried in explaining the cause of its anguish. The magistrate who if keeps quiet, looked at the prisoner and asked to the commission agent: _ Does not want to write these information? _ Without loss of time, invited the notary to characterize the prisoner and asked for: _ Dr.

17 January
Comments Off on Strengtheing One

Strengtheing One

Therefore karat Shotokan is a fight of the martial arts that possesss philosophical basements that the balance of the body and the mind searchs. In it if it implanted principles that guide its practitioners since the beginning one until the most graduated and not only in the Karat sport, but in all the moments of daily of the practitioner of karat these principles are followed. It is with this philosophy that karat Shotokan if spread out for the world adopting a doctrine of healthful life, disciplines, balance, through the devotion, loyalty, autoconfiana of the individual. These estimated are well clear in the motto of the Karat Shotokan, ' ' Strengtheing themselves for the formation of the character, Allegiance stops with the true way of the reason, Creating intention of effort, Respect above all and Containing the spirit of agresso' ' (SASAKI, 1978). Therefore, karat Shotokan passed if to expand for the world not for only being martial art, But also as one disciplines that the physicist works and contributes in the development of the intellect, psicomotoras abilities, cognitivos processes and partner-affective of its practitioners. Leaving of this premise, one perceives that the idealizer of the Karat Shotokan demonstrated that beyond fighting he has other social manifestations that if add to karat beyond if all working the development of the children or the apprentice such as: the psicomotor, motor coordination, process cognitivos and partner-affective development. Breda (2004) points that, ' ' the fights such which sport of ampler form, must be understood in century XXI for its multiple possibilities of practical and contribution for the integral development of to be humano' '. But, however what if it does not have to forget are the true objectives of karat, that, generally, they have been neglected. They have given importance, purely to the physical part and the aspect of self-defense of this art.

05 January
Comments Off on Metropolitan Area

Metropolitan Area

The CAM (American multi-service company) company part of the Group ENDESA in Colombia brought a few months ago the first cart electric for the Colombian public. It’s a truck brand REVA Indian manufacturing. Although it has 4 seats, it is only for 2 passengers, the two rear seats are very small, how much to carry small children. This car is the dream of environmentalists, when you turn truck not made any noise, I tried it with another person of CoPilot (about 180 kilos between the two) and the truck moves very well, has an excellent pique in plane. Being so small it is incredibly maneuverable, it can make a u-turn on a narrow street. The only drawback of this truck and in general of the electrical is the service life of the batteries, is calculated for this Indian model should be change every 3 or 4 years the full battery Bank and slope of the order of 3 to 4 thousand dollars. This you can pay with the savings in gasoline, but it is only the questioning of the final disposal of the battery banks.

I personally believe that this electric cart It is a great choice, not only by the economy but by ecology, remember that in Colombia and in Latin America in general typically is generated nearly 80% of electricity from renewable sources (hydraulic mainly), so move these trucks is low pollution. The Government also emphasizes the Minister added that this measure is part of the actions carried out in recent years by the Ministry of the environment, to improve air quality and reduce the effects of pollution on the health of Colombians. Among which the updating of regulations related to quality of air and pollution by fixed and mobile sources, existing since more than 25 years; the regulation for admission to the country of vehicles with engines of latest technology that reduced by 87 per cent emissions of particulate matter, and the distribution of diesel fuel of 50 ppm of sulfur in Bogota, Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburra and integrated mass transport systems, He pointed out. Original author and source of the article.