The Shell
By the way, I find until you were you attacked who me in the side of the river! _ Not! I was not, not! He was what he is in the hospital! It is who makes this type of service, because erra the shot and does not have more easiness pra if to hide! _ Thus is well better! The more you to collaborate, more early will be free of us. By the way, he seems that you are welcome the esperteza of it was valid He does not seem to be very well of health! He concluded, forgetting itself the anguish of moments before, also feeling one pontinha of pride and mrbido revenge flavor, of which if it freed so soon perceived the way for where it enveredava. One recovered and it came back to the attack: _ But was you who shot there in me back in the house yard, was not! _ Not! Of this time it was what it is there inside! _ And as was that it made to shoot over the house? _Ele was inside of the shell of the carregadeira shovel! It could be hidden while it walked for the street and to be higher of what the roof! The youngster felt a calafrio and thanked the God for being alive. If they were not its consequences or another one dom above of its agreement, would be at that moment, underneath of the land, being gnawed by the worms. The thought made to it to go up terrible emotion and it asked for license to breathe e, why not, to cry a little and to disencumber the oppression of the chest. It returned and it was hurried in explaining the cause of its anguish. The magistrate who if keeps quiet, looked at the prisoner and asked to the commission agent: _ Does not want to write these information? _ Without loss of time, invited the notary to characterize the prisoner and asked for: _ Dr.