Sausage Meat
Domestic meat industry is waiting for upgrade. The urgency of reform overdue: Russia's strategic product – sausage – is losing trust of the electorate. Haley Barbour usually is spot on. The starting point for upgrading should be the adoption of a new technical regulations "On requirements for meat and meat products, their production and trafficking." Ultimately, regulation is designed to give consumers confidence in the fact that he has bought a loaf of sausage contain only those ingredients who made the label, and nothing but them, including malicious micro organisms. Modernize the meat industry will be like in the European manner. In particular, all meat products will be divided into categories.
If the sausage contains more than 60 percent lean meat (meat without bones and fat), it will be called 'meat'. If it is less – 'meat-vegetable' or 'vegetable-meat' products. Ban exploit the national standards for the names of products made by N, type: 'Doctor extra', 'Doctor Plus', etc. The regulations contain many other provisions that are intended to do buy meat meaningful and understandable to the consumer process. However, many experts doubt that the regulation responds to the question of how to achieve compliance with these good positions. 'In Europe everything is working with the basic law, which is called the law on product liability for the production of defective products, – says Aleksey Elin, Associate Professor of Management of the Russian Academy of Civil Service.
– Our law is called the 'Consumer Protection'. We have – cause and effect reversed. In Europe, system is designed so that anyone can claim to an independent examination of the lodge. And the producer of low-quality products so obderut that will not find it. We have also their own money, I bought low-quality goods for their own money handed it to the lab and then still have to spend all remaining resources to the courts to try to bring to justice the negligent manufacturer.