PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for March, 2018

21 March
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Hidden Talents

Have you seen the hilarious animated movie Ratatouille? Well tell but they are not broadly narrates the discovery of a skill that had hidden the main character. Just as he, we all have hidden talents. However, there is one that is especially rejected by nearly everyone: the ability to sell. It is very common to hear people say with resignation: “I know not sell!”, “I’m not good at that!” And sometimes offended position: “I vendor? No way! “. The irony is that most of us know it in different degrees.

It was the show, at the risk of looking like a mini crash course in sales. They saw how I started the editorial? “They have seen the hilarious movie …”. Do you think some of you will not have seen it yet? Have you ever recommended a movie to a friend? That is to sell, although some say that’s just “share an idea” and you know why? Because you have not taken a penny to your friend tell that to your headache you know is better than aspirin. But beware that the sale and collection are two totally different things, although in the field of business one is the complement of the other. Think when you searched for work. Remember the steps you: search the job postings, make and tailor your CV to try to obtain employment, submit your CV, pass an interview and voila. How about if I tell you that these are the classic steps of marketing: market research, product development and presentation, quality control by the customer and final distribution.

14 March
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Ear Mites And Pets

Ear mites are very common as parasites that infest dogs and cats. These tiny mites generally live on the surface of the skin of the ear canals of the head, neck and even the bodies of pets. They feed on tissue secretions and resemble coffee beans. The mites do not scratch your pet thoroughly, so if you see him shake his head or scratching his ears, he may be infested with ear mites. They are extremely contagious and often stick to other pets in the household.

Ear mites are also often one of the primary causes of ear infections and inflammation. If left untreated, ear mites can lead to serious complications such as a disorder of the middle ear for your dog or cat. They can affect pets of any age but are most common in young pets. Common symptoms and signs of ear mites include: * Shaking their heads * * Odor Scratching ears abnormal accumulation of wax ears * * Download dense, crunchy brown or black that resembles coffee granules * fresh or dried blood in ear canals What causes ear mites Ear mites are caused by a tiny mite called Otodectes cynotis who lives on the surface of the skin in the ear canal and the ear canal secretions. While these ear mites feed and move about the ear canal, causing severe irritation and inflammation. It can also affect other areas of the body including the tail, neck and back. They are highly contagious and can spread easily to other pets in the home – often mothers transmit ear mites to her puppies. Rarely infect humans.

Diagnosis of ear mites Diagnosis of ear mites is based on symptoms as well as careful examination of the ear. Its veterinarian will use an otoscope magnify and draw on that ear mites of earwax. A microscopic examination of ear discharge may also have to be done if ear mites are not visible on otoscopic examination. Help for ear mites is important to treat ear mites immediately as a major cause of ear infection. A number of commercial products containing insecticides such as pyrethrum are available in the form of dips, sprays and shampoos and have proven effective in treating ear mites that live all over the body. Your veterinarian will first clean the ears of your pet and can also prescribe ear preparations and topical medications such as Fipronil, Selamectin or Ivermectin for treating the skin. The treatment may need to be used for two to four weeks for all the mites are dead. The natural remedies. Treatments such as without Side effects of pesticides or synthetic drug trade. Herbs such as Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil), Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Calendula officinalis (marigold) and Verbascum thapsus. With a great interest in health and alternative medicine. I believe that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. I am confident that an informed person is potentially a more happy and healthy.