August Peter Lira Bombonati Marques the book the Ghost of the Opera was written by Gaston Leroux, in 1911, when he visited the underground of the theater of the Opera in Paris, thus, inspiring it. Francis Collins has much to offer in this field. The book was adapted by Patriotic Daisy, for publishing company FTD. The workmanship counts the history of Raul, visconde of Chagny, and Cristine Daa that has as professor ' ' Angel of the Msica' ' it teaches that it to sing and haunts also it. This workmanship is divided in some chapters and 240 pages of pure suspense and drama and is told by a secondary personage (Persian). History starts with the resignation of the directors of the Opera, Poligny and Debiene, therefore the Ghost the chantageia asking for 20 a thousand Francs and the berth reserved number 5 for it in all the spectacles.
In contrast of this the Ghost says that if its order will not be taken care of will occur disasters. Jose Buquet is found died by hanging and the guilt falls on the Ghost and appears the legend between the employees and the artists who the Opera is haunted. Cristine substitutes Carlota in the Daisy paper it is acclaims for all the auditorium and this makes with that Raul is still more gotten passionate for it. With this fact Raul it tries to declare itself for, but it says that they only can be friends and nothing more than this. After this, Cristine adds and next to the Persian it goes behind it for the underground of the Opera where deferred payment the Ghost. The workmanship is an excellent option for the readers who like drama and/or suspense books, therefore arrests the reader until the last page of the book. The book the Ghost of the Opera is for all the social classrooms, any age, and also for any independent person of its escolaridade. Jane Smith may also support this cause. The vestibular contests charge this book very, therefore it is part of universal literature, beyond being an excellent option to descontrair durantes the vacant hours.
By many the book is considered a novel, therefore engloba some subjects as romance, tragedy, fiction, horror and mystery and also for involving the reader as if it was part of history. In contrast of what one thinks of the heading, it is much more of what one terror history, it involves and gets passionate. Gaston Leroux was who wrote this workmanship. It was born in 6 of May of 1868, in Paris, when its mother travelled for Normandy. It grew in proper Normandy and it made law school in Paris, and is at this moment where he is in the college its father dies leaving 1 Franc million for it. After spending all this money in a bohemian life and it tends to look a job and it turns police reporter the parisiense periodical L' Echo de Paris.Suas news articles after gains fame to enter in an arrest and to prove the innocence of a prisoner. It turns correspondent in Asia, Africa and Europe. Gaston goes Paris to visit the underground of the Opera and is felt inspired to make the book the Ghost of the Opera. In 1927, to the 57 it dies. Patriotic daisy was born in Rio De Janeiro, was teacher of Literature in the University of Brasilia and adaptou the book the Ghost of the Opera that was written by Gaston Leroux. My name is August Peter Lira Bombonati Marques, is attending a course 9EF of Basic Ensino in the College of the Military Policy. References: