PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for July, 2018

20 July
Comments Off on Door One

Door One

One becomes difficult to define in each individual, the ratio of auditory loss that must to the process of senility in itself, of that one caused by metabolic, traumatic or defined factors hereditarily. It is arrived then at the conclusion of that the phenomenon of the presbiacusia is of multifactorial origin, as it demonstrated Rosen, in its work epidemiologist (1966) that it suggested the relation between auditory loss in the aged one and the ambient noise, without excluding the physical activity, diet, use of ototxicas drugs, arteriosclerose and illnesses associates in the comparative populations. In the aging process, a gradual loss in the sensorial epitlio and the components of the labyrinth occurs, as well as in the cclea. The gradual reduction of the number of the cells approximately starts to the 40 years CHAPTER III 3 – CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS With the reduction of auditory sensitivity occur a reduction in the inteligibilidade of speak, what it comes to seriously compromise its process of verbal communication. The auditory loss in high frequencies (acute) becomes the perception of the consonants very difficult, to the aged ones, especially when the communication occurs in unhealthy or noisy environments. ' ' They do not understand what he is dito' '.

Predominance of the masculine sex in the presbiacusia is observed, according to research the auditory loss is significantly greater in men. The presbiacusia in the aged one can cause some problems psico-partners such as: Social isolation, auditory Incapacity (churches, radio and TV), intolerncia the sounds of moderate to the high intensity (acute). If the person says low the aged one does not hear if it cries out bothers, it. Problems of alert and prohibited: incapacity to hear people and vehicles coming close itself, pans boiling, alarms, telephone, bell of the door, announcements of emergencies in radio and TV. When questioned on the pathology the familiar ones they describe the aged one as: Main symptoms: Difficulty to participate conversational or to speak to the telephone, sensation of that does not obtain to understand the words, necessity to increase the volume of the TV or radio, difficulty to locate a sonorous source.

16 July
Comments Off on Pharmacy Online

Pharmacy Online

ROC launches to the market SUBLIME ENERGY Roc has launched an innovative product SUBLIME ENERGY to the maximum within the world of cosmetics. It holds more than 10 patents and is believed that it will revolutionize the market in the short term. The big news is that this high cosmetic cream is based on BIOELECTRICITY and the results are amazing. Get an amazing and immediate skin regeneration, the results are truly amazing. This world novelty works like a battery and is tolerated by all agencies and how it could be otherwise is endorsed by several clinical studies in which more than 1,000 people have participated. From pharmacy optics DAZA we are going to provide some links where you can advises you more of the new features of this product. As they can see its price is recommended for 59.90 euros, in you will find it by just 54 euros cream. Don’t wait any longer for purchasing this innovative product recently come on the market and available, check their results and account with the Roc warranty and its innovation in beauty products. In addition, we will be offering information about products, special offers, tips and offer direct links to our website for purchase online: as well as our Twitter: and our other information page which will have up-to-date data such as our schedule, our days of guard, forms of payment, and many more news: hope this information its usefulness and interest as well as our new blog we will be constantly updating.

10 July
Comments Off on Health Department

Health Department

In this training, advisory, as well as therapeutic elements as well as interventions from the coaching are learned and practiced. After the completion of training the desire adjusts itself for many students, to work with the purchased tools also therapeutic. The knowledge is there, the can also, just a hypnotist performing therapeutic treatments without medical approval, would be immediately punishable. For this reason Hypnovita offers a special course for four years, within half a year on the checking in the Health Department prepared. The duration of the course is 14 days, which spread over seven weekends. Thus, this exam is also ideally suited for all working people.

Total training is priced at 1790,-, which will be paid in ten monthly installments from each 179,-. The course is suitable for all hypnotists, coaches or NLP practitioners who would like to also psychotherapeutic work. Of course a course is open to persons, who have completed no hypnosis training. In a preliminary telephone interview or a talk at the Institute on site in Munich, we find out how well they are suitable for the participation. The next preparatory course for the so-called small practitioner for psychotherapy begins on February 26, 2011 in Munich. Goal is that all participants deny their exam already in the year 2011 if possible and succeed. Advantage of exam preparation at Hypnovita is our very high success rate.

The teacher knows exactly what it in the exam arrives, and furnished with all necessary tips to become a success experience to the test. For this reason the groups are very small, the lecturer contact very closely and the transfer of knowledge that is enormously high. 14 days training and self-study in the time between the modules offer an optimal basis therefore, to successfully pass the check to the small practitioner for psychotherapy. The lecturer team of Hypnovita will be happy to advise you on all details of the training. More information is available on the website by Hypnovita at, email or telephone 089-21 75 78 25 Tanja Weigl, January 13, 2011 Hypnovita hypnosis Munich

03 July
Comments Off on Tony Manero Ribbon

Tony Manero Ribbon

The film Tony Manero has a promising premise: tell the horrors of the Pinochet dictatorship through a protagonist that has nothing to do with dictatorship and whose obsession dance exactly like the character of fever Saturday night. My biggest concern before seeing the movie was: what should see Tony Manero with Augusto Pinochet? The problem of Tony Manero is that it does not resolve such doubt. When metaphors are used to describe a situation, there is almost always encouraging results. In a film such as Lars Von Trier’s Dogville, for example, the metaphor of the abandoned theater serves to give the idea of desolation. Charly Kaufman’s Synecdoche, tiny paintings that the wife of the protagonist, draws serve as mirror of the amplified worlds which are of the film. The key to using a metaphor found in the distance. How much farther is the metaphor of the object that replaces, more effective is the suggestion. The problem with using Tony Manero as metaphor of the dictatorship is the short distance that is sets, in terms of narrative, dramatic action (the dictatorship) of the film.

Fever of Saturday night has barely one year of released when the film begins. The protagonist is still able to see it in the cinema. What is worse, the gratuitous violence of the protagonist is not metaphorical nothing: the dictatorship also used this gratuitous violence. Then the film rather than exploit the metaphor, is dedicated to draw parallels, rather difficult to establish, between the life of the protagonist Raul Peralta and the historical context in which he lives. The tone of the film is also a problem. Unlike a similar film like American Psycho, Tony Manero Ribbon does not have moments in which lower the tension. The film is fraught with constant, stunning the audience discomfort. For when Tony Manero confronts its objective, the public is so depleted that the terrifying effect desired is not achieved.

Tony Manero is an unfulfilled promise. A great idea that was in the dark. The premise is powerful enough to sustain the movie however is the feeling that this could have been one of the biggest films of the Chilean cinema. Not the case. Tony Manero repeats the same dance steps again and again and perhaps as a disk in the 70s fever, ends up getting tired. If you want to know how to get loans, visit financing companies and mortgage calculation.