PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for April, 2016

20 April
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Veterans Hospital

But worsen my health continued until 1996. By early 1997, my weight dropped to 115 pounds (approx. 40 kg), and I became so weak that I have appointed a wheelchair from the Veterans Hospital in Houston, where I'm standing on outpatient care. My viral load increased to 170.000 viral cells, the number of T4 cells decreased to 80 per 1 ml of blood (norm – 1000 and more). In winter 1997, I kept very ill and was forced to stay in bed most of the time, because even if I do not would have been sick, I was so weak that he could not do anything. No matter how many clothes I wore my bones literally felt pain from cold, which in turn has made me sick with fever.

But that's not all. Now I was not able to take medication against aids because they could just poison me. By the spring of 1998 my health has not improved, although I really relied on it. But then quite by chance my wife won the tv quiz bottle of noni juice. I was determined in relation to this juice very skeptical.

I figured that if pharmaceuticals could not help me, then some kind of juice – even more so. But, thank God, my wife was very taken noni juice to 1 ounce per day. Very soon I began to notice that it has become more vigorous and strong, has become less tired. Plus to this it restore the sensitivity of leg, which disappeared a week before Furthermore, after a failed drop.

18 April
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Proper Hair Care

Hair Care Hair – is not only a protective covering of the head, but also a great way to emphasize their individuality by resorting to the original haircut, styling and coloring hair. But to have more freedom to experiment over their own appearance, must have a certain "reserve" healthy hair. Therefore, to first consider the types of hair, which is necessary hair care products and proper hair washing. Normal hair – smooth and shiny as a mirror. Healthy hair resilient and after washing preserve freshness for several days. Normal hair is very rare, regardless of whether you live in a city or gassed away from the charms of urbanization.

Beautiful hair – it's not only really expensive jewelry possessor or owner, but also the indicator of good health and stress resistance. Oily hair have a dull shine – it is easy to distinguish from the light healthy hair oily to the touch and a very short period of time dirty. At the level of fat hair affects the location of the sebaceous glands of the head – than they are closer, the higher the fat content. Unfortunately, for it is impossible to influence. But reduce the fat content of the hair is still possible – the methods and means, we consider later. Dry hair is dull, almost did not reflect the incident light, and very brittle. Dry hair is easily confused and torn, heavily comb and on tips. Unlike greasy hair with dry hair is due to improper feeding and care, rather than the individual structure of the human body.