Benefit of Plants
Seramis products produced in Germany for 20 years and is sold in many countries around the world. This complex is for the care of indoor plants can transplant them at any time of year, watered three times less likely to choose any capacity and combination of plants. Seramis is not only the usual houseplants in pots, but for such capricious and whimsical, like cacti, orchids and bonsai. Seramis system includes chips, humidity indicators and fertilizer. Seramis-granules. Granulate is baked in a special way the clay, to create the optimal water-air balance in plant roots. Small, porous particles of light as a sponge absorbs water, save it and give the plant as needed.
Pores have different sizes, which provides an excellent opportunity for the development of roots. Granular provides a favorable water-air mode for the roots of plants that respectively, contributes to their healthy development. Unlike hydroponics it is not necessary to wash the roots of plants can be with the land. Another important property of granular: it retains its structure and not compacted. Seramis – food. For a balanced diet Seramis offers two different types of fertilizers that provide plants with all necessary materials.
Flowering plants need more phosphorus and deciduous to high content of nitrogen for enhanced growth of green weight. Specifically for green plants in addition to liquid fertilizers offered more granular, which, after making one provides them with all the nutrients substances within three months. After this period should be to fertilize again. Bottles of fertilizer have a simple dispenser – an easy push on the walls, and the dispenser is filled with fertilizer, which is diluted in one liter water. Fertilizer, entering the system, simple to use, do not contain harmful elements, which have accumulated in the green mass of plants, so they, together with the granulate can be used for germinating seeds and seedlings. Seramis – moisture indicator. Wetness indicator indicates when to irrigate and fertilize the plant, as with every watering the plant receives the necessary growth and development elements. Red indicator shows that it's time to irrigate. Blue color means that the granulate contains still enough moisture. Humidity indicator should be in the dirt clod of the plant. The lower part of the indicator is in contact with the granulate and roots, saturated with moisture, and then the top part is painted blue, hence, the substrate does not require irrigation. If the dry ground components, the top field indicator progressively redder. Transplanting plants. Capacity in which planted in a plant with Seramisom should not have drainage holes, plant can be transplanted throughout the year. Humidity indicator is only information about the time of watering the plants, you can use it in the ground. Pick up the pot more solid than the previous one, with no drain hole. 1. Fill it with granulate for 1 / 3. Plant together with an earthy clod transplant into a new tank, then pour chips, its top layer must be at least 1-2 see 2.Indikator moisture put into the center of earth coma until the lower boundary of the color field, then to determine the time of watering. 3.Poleyte plant. Amount of water should be about a quarter of the pot. The next watering and fertilizing produce the indicator humidity.