PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for May, 2013

11 May
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Often the companies they need to change, motivated to that face different challenges, which requires a radical transformation, through gradual improvements or small initiatives to improve products and processes. Which means that as companies improve their skills on the management of change, will they have greater opportunity to solve problems and at the same time take advantage of new advances and technologies for the benefit of customers, shareholders, and often, employees. Reportedly, it origine change, principles to be considered regardless of need are the same. The most difficult change is learning to think otherwise. This makes it necessary to owners and managers to review their own ideas on how to properly conduct its business.

This change is closely related to innovation. If a company can not manage the process of change, will not be able to innovate. For this reason, change management tools are relevant for managing technology and innovation. Due to the uncertainty that currently threatens the business environment is necessary the implementation of change management, it is not possible to survive in a hostile and competitive world. Which have to do two things; adapt and change the products and services offered, and adapt and change the ways in which produces them and delivers to the market. These two concepts are respectively known as product innovation and process innovation.

Change may occur in the equipment used to produce the product or service, or might be the way in which is structured and organized process. This new paradigm confronts companies with a world where the knowledge is who leads to an improvement of their innovative capacities, so that it helps to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the Organization, to obtain competitive advantages, since they must anticipate to the likely future, to the effects of his experiments, to the consequences of their innovations to the reactions of customers. Its impact include: as means of technological management help both to manage projects and to strategically develop the company’s resources. It is the question of how we can can more efficiently manage the process of change in our products and services, and the ways in which these are produced and distributed. The change without any sense of direction is unlikely to succeed. If it starts without knowing where it’s heading is quite likely to end up in somewhere else. Change is demanded from multiple instances at the same time different. Faced with this reality be prepared for change, management must know to improve their competences on management of change, allowing your company solve problems and take advantage of new opportunities and technologies for the benefit of customers, shareholders, and often, employees. Sometimes change as already quoted It is driven by technology, other times there are other factors that promote change. But regardless of the need to carry change, the principles are the same. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have many advantages in putting into practice a change. They can react promptly, their owners are determined people and staff tends to be very loyal.