The Psychologist
The psychologist does not make declarations public that are false, deceptive, that they are lent to evil, or fraudulent, the professional of the mental health, presents/displays like qualifications or credentials of their psychological work, the ranks that it has received from an educative or credited institution, do not yield the name or the company/signature to that lacks title to exert psychology and does not conceal deceptive activities, recognizes that their problems and conflicts can interfere with their effectiveness. Therefore, one abstains to carry out an activity when it knows or it had to know that their personal problems damage the other people who are related to him. Quality of the valuation and/or psychological evaluation psychologist identifies situations in which certain techniques of valuation or norms are not applicable or require of adjustments for their administration or interpretation, due to different factors as I generate, age, race, et cetera. He does not promote nor he reduces the use of techniques of psychological valuation on the part of nonqualified people, that is to say that has not received formal formation, education and supervision to carry out these activities, he either does not base his decisions of valuation or intervention, or its recommendations, in data, norms or obsolete results of psychological tests for present intentions. Communication of the results the psychologist makes sure that an explanation of the results is provided using an understandable language for the evaluated person or other people authorized legally to act in favor of the evaluated person. Idependientemente of which the qualifications and interpretation realise the psychologist, an external assistant, pro average automatic or other services, the psychologist takes reasonable measures to assure that the appropriate explanations occur to the results. The psychologist appropriately documents to his professional work and scientific later benefit of services on the part of he himself or other professionals, to assure the responsibility, and to fulfill other requirements of institutions or of the law, of no way he invents data neither falsifies the results of his publications, if he discovers significant errors in his published data, takes the measures necessary to correct them in a correction, retraction, erratum, or other appropriate mass media.