Also aiming at to offer to information and services destined specifically to who it suffers in result of the drugs, was created Dial-Health, that will offer attendance with specialized professionals. These strategies already are giving resulted, therefore the government comes making diverse apprehensions through the Denarc in the capital and the interior, with prominence for the city of Lizard that is white of diverse inquiries getting success in its operations, since, great amounts of drugs, as well as dealing had been recently apprehended, thus confirming the actions of the government together with the above-mentioned city. How much to the social matter, it is interesting to stand out that already a structure kept for the government exists, in the capital of Sergipe and 31 cities in relation to needed social assistance as well as the using o of drugs, but that in accordance with the mentioned plan above, is pretension of the governing to extend still more. They deserve to be emphasized: the CREAS (specialized Centers of Reference in Social Assistance), the CRAS (Centers of Reference of Social Assistance), that beyond offering assistance in other areas, of the aid to the chemical dependents. The CAPS also exists (Centers of Psicossocial Attention), that it takes care of to the carrier of mental deficiency and the AD CAPS (Centers of Psicossocial Attention Alcohol and Drug), that it deals with the drunk drugged ones specifically and, giving to all apparatus and treatment to the user of narcotics.
The government disponibiliza also vacant, giving to priority the situations most critical, since the vacant are very restricted, in places specialized for internment to the user of drugs. The governing are negotiating the increase each time more than stream beds for internment of the users, who together with the government federal it will defray the expenditures of these dependents. But the governor also alerted the population on its responsibility of if inserting in this battle, affirming that: ' ' We also have the understanding of that the arduous task to defeat the drugs and, in special crack, is not only of government.