Much Supplementation
According to a recent study by the Technical University of Munich, 97 percent of German pregnant women take supplements. But not all supplements are useful and harmless. In pregnancy increases the need for minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Reason to feed enough, be aware, and balanced with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, but also meat and fish and full grain products. Fast food and sweets should be avoided as vitamin-killer and due to the many empty calories. So, the need for vitamins and minerals can be met. However confirmed also nutritionist Prof. Hans Hauner of TU Munchen, that E.g.
the supply with folic acid and iodine with balanced nutrition is not secure. Gynecologist should advise necessarily increase your patients intake of folic acid during pregnancy. According to the study by only a third of those surveyed had already begun before pregnancy taking a folic acid preparation, as well as by experts is recommended. Taking folic acid proven to lower the risk for neural tube defects. Also, the intake of iodine is fundamentally important.
However, it should be clarified in advance whether there is a thyroid disease. In this case, the woman on a folic acid supplement without iodine can Dodge. Studies have shown that also the additional intake of vitamin D is useful, because in the winter many women in this country suffer from vitamin D deficiency. So also Prof. Dr. Clemens Kunz from the Institute for nutritional sciences of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen for calls, significantly increasing the recommendation for the daily intake of vitamin D in pregnant women. The situation is different when it comes to iron supplements. An additional revenue is useful only when actually the fixed iron deficiency. Too high doses can even harm the fetus. For magnesium, the same applies: only for lack of it is advisable to supplement with magnesium to access. The positive effects of Omega-3 fatty acids Studies have not been underscored. Therefore, the subject is controversial.