PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

28 November
Comments Off on Familiar Agriculture

Familiar Agriculture

According to Mininstrio of the MeioAmbiente, the Embrapa goes to lead action next to the government to favor produode inside seeds of the subprogram of distribution of seeds and changes that visaa to take care of to familiar agriculture and other beneficiaries of its program. The adopted measures will happen in decorrnciada publication of the Decree n 7,029/09, of 11 of December of 2009, that it created More surrounding oPrograma, which propitiate the ambient regularization of the propriedaderural in all domestic territory. The forecast is of that the produtoresrurais, enrolling themselves in the program, have access to the conditions of support for aaverbao of the legal reserve. For the same decree of Law, partirde subprograms (education ambiental/ATER/produo and distribution of seeds and changes/capacitaodos beneficiaries special), the ones that to adhere to the program will be able to count, also, with the support for the resetting of the Legal Reserve and the Areas dePreservao Permanente (APP). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Michael James Burke, London UK. Source: MMA

08 February
Comments Off on Ecological Commerce

Ecological Commerce

In general, exists a concern on the part of on ambientalistas and people to the environment in verifying and discovering possible focos or polluting agents who can be of some form attacking the nature, and the efforts bigger and more are concentrated in disclosing to these focos in the industries and commercial establishments, in view of that these establishments generally work with substances cousins comings of the nature or great producers of polluting material. To prove that it exists lack of ecological awareness and knowledge of the techniques of ambient management on the part of the proprietors of companies and commerce, we made an analysis in a commercial establishment in ours in case that one pet shoping, detailing the work in this place verifying if they use some practises ecological and pointing solutions to improve and to carry through one practical ambient correct one. What one uncovers to the end of a study of this type, is that the people are alerted through the media and of the globalization of tele communications that the planet is passing for serious ambientas problems, and that although to have such information little become to improve or few make its part for the environment in how many many simply they cross the arms and they leave others to make them for them, what it leads to the sub-heading of the subject..

05 September
Comments Off on Solid Residues

Solid Residues

These daily flows of people result in an esteem average production of infectantes residues equal to the 3,6 tons/month (3,600 kg) of potentially infectantes residues or 120 kg/dia. How much to the common residues in an equal average production esteem to the 12,60 tons/month (12,600 kg) of common residues or 420 kg/dia. How much to the chemical residues in an equal average production esteem to the 360 kg s or 12 /m kg/dia. How much to the perforate-cutting residues in an equal average production esteem to the 1.11 tons/month (1,440 kg/ms) or 48 kg/dia. Estimates these whose total of produced residues results in 18 tons/month (18,000 kg) or 600 kg/dia. These amounts represent the ratios of 20% for the potentially infectantes residues, of 70% for the common residues, 2% for the chemical residues and 8% for the perforate-cutting residues, that in a general way represent general parameters as studies of the Bio Magazine (2000), the composition of the Solid Residues of Health: infectado 30%; 25% reciclvel and common 35%. These 0 variable also depend on the transport of the hospital and the type of given service, if of basic attention that produce little residues potentially infectantes and much more common residues or services of average and high complexity that produce little potentially infectantes residues and more common residues in bigger amounts and of different ratios of the hospitals that whose purpose is ambulatorial. The generic reason (D/X) is the fraction between the common residues and the other types of residues, being the reason (D/A), the relation that sample that stops each one kg of infectante residue, has 3,5 kg of produced common residues; being the reason (D/B), the relation that sample that stops each one kg of chemical residue, has 35 kg of produced common residues and the reason (D/E) the relation that sample that stops each one kg of perforate-cutting residue, has 8,5 kg of produced common residues.

08 March
Comments Off on Brain Maize

Brain Maize

With the displayed one, cavalete appeared the idea of one that it did not allow to the contact of the born bees rescm with the oil burnt by means of a bar of protection and consequently would be a trap for the pedradores, therefore the same comes appearing positive effect. 3.1.3.Fornecimento of Proteinic and energy Feeding: If it has complete nectar lack of raised attraction for the bees, them will appeal to the inferior nectar plants, premidas that they are for the hunger. This explains the importance of nectarferas or polinferas plants that, of meaning little commercial at time of abundance, is changedded into valuable aid to minorar the hunger of the bees at time of accented scarcity (mainly in the winter, having to supply artificial feeding and to reduce the alvado one for reason of the cold). It is the case in our region of it bakes fish, malice, etc. In the food scarcity has as alternative the proteinic feeding that supplied when the swarms meet weak, being one of the alternatives to provide one better position of the queen. Some prescriptions of proteinic feeding exist, between them are necessary for the shape of food two have broken of bran maize, three part soy bran and six part of sugar, adding vanilla drops, making a homogenia mixture supplies 2 times per 200g/colmia week using the covering feeder. One of more usual energy foods is the boiled must, having as ingredients 40%gua and to 60%acar, which after warm and cooled is supplies the beehives (they 2vezes/sem). To prevent that if it ruins the feeding it must be consumed in the same day in was prepared. 3.1.4.Reviso of the Beehives the community green Field bes situated has 30 km of the city of sensible Itaituba-Par to the city of Rurpolis, where biweekly the visits in the apirios of the involved families in the project happened, in order to apply adequate techniques of handling and to excite resulted positive in the production.