Ecological Commerce
In general, exists a concern on the part of on ambientalistas and people to the environment in verifying and discovering possible focos or polluting agents who can be of some form attacking the nature, and the efforts bigger and more are concentrated in disclosing to these focos in the industries and commercial establishments, in view of that these establishments generally work with substances cousins comings of the nature or great producers of polluting material. To prove that it exists lack of ecological awareness and knowledge of the techniques of ambient management on the part of the proprietors of companies and commerce, we made an analysis in a commercial establishment in ours in case that one pet shoping, detailing the work in this place verifying if they use some practises ecological and pointing solutions to improve and to carry through one practical ambient correct one. What one uncovers to the end of a study of this type, is that the people are alerted through the media and of the globalization of tele communications that the planet is passing for serious ambientas problems, and that although to have such information little become to improve or few make its part for the environment in how many many simply they cross the arms and they leave others to make them for them, what it leads to the sub-heading of the subject..