PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

27 January
Comments Off on Chronic Diseases

Chronic Diseases

Reasons for development hypovitaminosis B1 are associated with a monotonous diet, excess carbohydrates in the diet, the presence of chronic disease (enteritis, enterocolitis). Vitamin B1 is contained in cereals and legumes, bread and bakery products, cereals (buckwheat, oats), liver, organ meats, brewer's yeast, potatoes, cauliflower, etc. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), takes an active part in the protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, regulates the exchange of amino acids (AA) improves color vision, the functional state of cardiovascular system, central nervous system and digestive system. It stimulates the blood, is involved in regulation of liver function, skin, mucous membranes. Is a coenzyme of many respiratory enzymes that promote the growth and reproduction. Hypo-and avitaminosis B2 clinically characterized by disorders of the central nervous system (somnolence, peripheral polyneuritis), skin and mucous membranes (seborrheic dermatitis, dryness, and cyanosis lips, scars on them, glossitis), inflammation of the eyeball, photophobia, reduced visual acuity. The main causes of hypovitaminosis B2 is a significant reduction in consumption of milk and milk products chronic gastrointestinal diseases, medications, antagonists, riboflavin, etc. A significant amount of vitamin B2 is found in milk and dairy products, liver, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, buckwheat and oat cereals, bread, beer yeast.

Vitamin PP (niacin) plays an important role in metabolic processes (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, cholesterol), accelerates the oxidation-reduction reactions, is included in several coenzymes affects the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. It is vital for the synthesis of sex hormones. The main representatives of this group include nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. With a lack of food vitamin E developed pellagra, which is characterized by general weakness, apathy, insomnia, dizziness, bowel function, skin lesions (dermatitis of the face and exposed parts of the body), decreased memory, dementia, delirium, dyspepsia, psychosis, etc. Factors for hypovitaminosis PP are monotonous food (especially corn), long-term therapy sulfanilamidnymi drugs, estrogen, chronic gastrointestinal diseases (enteritis, colitis), which violate the absorption of vitamin E, and chronic alcoholism.

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