PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

20 May
Comments Off on Wiesnbesucher Heart

Wiesnbesucher Heart

SAG s with heart! To the Oktoberfest 2008 are now online, it is eloquent gingerbread heart under nasty From 15 September 2008, there are the common bakery products also in the art treatment in Munich. “Bear”, “Jennifer”, “Mei liabs Madl” soon such unimaginative gingerbread heart inscriptions decorate again tried the Wiesnbesucher. Now however, there is an eloquent alternative for those who like to want plain text. Because sometimes a gingerbread heart says more than 1000 words. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anu Saad. Our gingerbread hearts made with fine ingredients will be labeled according to tradition by hand. And in the unconventional inscriptions there is something with security for each and everyone. Of course, we send our hearts in the gift packaging – to people who you particularly like. The common bakery products can be ordered online at, from September 15 to get them in the art treatment in the Muller road 40 in Munich..

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