PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

11 May
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Umbilical Cord

He was sleeping on a cold winter night and the phone rang, looked at the time and clock marked 2 and 10 in the morning, I answered was the technique of nursing, young remained in the old and beloved maternity Bolognesi screaming desperate Doctor, doctor a birth, a birth an expulsive, expulsive! – screaming – calm down, please Ya voy!, reassured – separated me some 10 to 12 blocks, I ran almost in pajamas and my car all speed came to motherhood a few minutes went running – the family was in the waiting room – and the passage anything more I found the patient lying down on the floor! almost like wanting to lean nursing technique also was sitting on the floor, with the newborn baby in her arms! The patient was screaming, bleeding and complained but the technique in question had not cut the Umbilical cord! despite beside her was the bucket with the instruments of labor I impacted see that table!, after the surprise I grabbed the scissors and I cut the umbilical cord then we already attended to the patient in the stretcher of the lambing, tear I suture, I cohibi bleeding, I took out the placenta (childbirth), serum and antibiotics newborn was also attended by the pediatrician who arrived minutes later, in the end both evolved well. Technique looked scared, what Mariela happened you? – asked – I don’t know Dr. Miguel, I was groggy, everything was so fast not yelled to cut the cord will there be problems? – he told me – cut in time I do not think there are problems – you anime – to remove me, watch marked 4 and 05 minutes in the morning to frio.. . f information.

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