PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

05 February
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Technical One Day

Aren’t these amazing data? Most people perform detailed schedules to organize simple trips of a weekend, and not taken the commitment to devote some time to plan the most important trip of all: his own life. And the small group of people that if carried out that planning process, very few are taking action until things begin to happen, and their major goals become reality. In fact, 85% of the declarations of good intentions that are usually made at the end of the year, never arrive beyond the first week of the year. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Mark J Berger. These resolutions, as the goals in life, are very easy to establish, but requires discipline and effort to be achieved. For example, one study showed that of 18,000,000 of smokers who had quit smoking at least for a day, only 1,300,000 stopped doing so for at least one year.

Friends, to achieve any goal that really worthwhile, you have to be willing to put a high level of commitment. You have to have a desire so burning to achieve that goal, you provide the energy necessary to persist despite the temptation to return to the old pattern of behavior more comfortable. But to succeed you’ll need high doses of motivation. And the motivation comes on the one hand by the desire to achieve something, but also by the inner certainty that you have that are going to achieve. If parties with the idea in mind that you will not achieve, I guarantee that you’re right: you will not achieve it. But equally, if you believe with absolute faith that you can do, not imported neither the size nor the magnitude of the obstacles that appear along the way: will end up succeeding! To achieve this there is a technique that usually give very good results: one day after another technique. Imagine that you want to start exercising every morning first thing.

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