PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

21 May
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What You Need To Open A Deposit Abroad

To invest money in overseas bank, you will need to compulsorily certified by a notary public: – A copy of the internal and foreign passports (without the latter, no foreign bank will not charge you) – Information on family composition, and a certificate that you have no problems with the police (all of these documents you can get at the police station). Keep in mind at the slightest unpleasant moments connected with the police, a foreign bank will not accept your documents. Filed under: Anita Dunn. Help 2NDFL, which summarizes your income the last 3 years. This certificate may be obtained from the tax on a residence and there to assure her. information regarding the type of your business (your bank fails in the case If you're not a businessman).

The entire list of documents you must send a pre-selected foreign bank deposit. If the bank agrees to reveal to you the deposit, it sends you the contract. You must carefully fill in the questionnaire, sign a contract and send it to the bank. In turn, foreign bank puts its stamp and signature (in duplicate). One option they have left, the other they send you.

Together with the documents the bank sends a special application, where you will find all necessary information regarding your contribution and how to replenish it (minimum amount of bank deposit is 1 euro). Make a deposit in foreign bank have the following options to replenish the deposit in a landmark banks: – via Western Union; – money withdrawn from your credit card visa (you call and announce the number of your card and number money that you want to translate) – by bank transfer (the maximum amount of money in this case are 600. 000, otherwise you may be suspected of sponsoring terrorist organizations) – on the Internet via Pay Pal. Article prepared by the magazine of bank deposits 'Running Money'

28 May
Comments Off on Small Business Lending

Small Business Lending

On the wave of the crisis, many entrepreneurs interested in what way, as soon as possible and with minimal cost, to support their business. Many turned to the possibility of bank lending. Turning to the bank entrepreneur before encountered difficulties in the form of various checks, collection of documents and search for liens. But today, a time of crisis has complicated the procedure of obtaining a bank loan. Output to become an entrepreneur city programs to support small businesses that can make life easier for future borrowers. As you know, one of the most common obstacles to obtaining credit is the lack of collateral. For Entrepreneurs St. Official site: Joint Commission International. Petersburg this problem helps to solve the Foundation for Assistance to Small Business Lending.

The Fund has already been concluded 260 contracts guarantees totaling $ 1,006 million rubles, which would allow small companies to St. Petersburg to attract 1,879 million rubles borrowed funds. The process of obtaining warranty is very simple: the entrepreneur's enough to turn the bank has entered into an agreement with the Fund, and express their desire to use the warranty. The list of banks that are constantly widening can be found at the Foundation's website -. After a positive decision on granting a loan the bank sends a request to the Fund on the design of surety. Application pendency period – a maximum of 3 days. In case of acceptance positive solution is a tripartite agreement of guarantee, and entrepreneur gets credit money into your bank account.

It should immediately be stipulated that the guarantee fund shall be issued for though not large, but the rewards – 1,75% of the amount of surety. Subsequently, a significant portion – 90% of the Fund's fees may be recovered through participation in the special program "lending by commercial banks to Small Business. " In addition to the compensation fee fund a special program to compensate up to 90% of the amount of interest paid to bank for a loan. Using the program of the Fund and special program you can greatly reduce their spending on credit.