PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

10 February
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Generalities, concept, scope should not surprise us, therefore, that today manifest interest on the Comfirming, which is a financial service offered by a financial institution to facilitate management of payment of your purchases to its customers. Jose Antonio Almoguera gives us in this regard that the confirming, formalize the operations of payments to suppliers of a company through a financial intermediary who assumes the risk of paying the Bills. I.e., we confirm our suppliers who pay our bills is assumed by a company, which will be responsible for payment of our invoices after the sale. Wikipedia, gives us in this regard, that the confirming is a financial service offered by a financial institution in order to facilitate the management of the payment of your purchases to its customers. Offered to collect the invoices prior to the expiration date of these.

Its use is common in companies that have diversified their suppliers who wish to dilate the payment to suppliers or have a complex system of payments. Do not confuse the confirming, with confirmed payments or domiciled payments of lower linkage in the responsibility of the payment by the financial institution. The confirming equals a payment certificate, with the difference that here the bank guarantees the payment to the vendor. In fact, it is a reverse factoring since starts it the client and not the suppliers. As a result, in English this service is called Reverse Factoring (and not,) as one might think, Confirming. Attraction of the confirming for companies about it, that indicates: the confirming is attractive to enterprises that fulfil one or more of the following characteristics: – companies that have diversified their suppliers – companies that have a complex system of payments – companies wishing to extend the period for payment to suppliers, or improve their conditions of purchase benefits signals Almoguera which are the advantages of the confirming: Reduces the costs of the internal management of payments, especially in companies with a large number of providers.

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