Methodology And Dreams
Probably for many of you watched the movie "The Secret". On that mystery that was kept for centuries and has now become accessible to everyone. Knowing this secret, it is easy to understand why certain things happen in our lives. We are the law of attraction We draw them yourself! We draw good and opposing good event. And this is true, although the adoption of this comes at once. We attract sometimes unconsciously.
Just come to our mind a bad idea, and even a picture, and we do not chase, and thinks: this could happen! And it happens! We do not follow a word – nobody can teach it! Therefore, often the subject of our conversations are: debt and debt (the horror of receiving a receipt for utility payments, for example), crises and disasters (in the U.S. crisis, which will soon come to us need money to urgently withdraw from bank accounts and do something, and then disappear), fear (on the plane to fly scared, they often fall) . You talked about these topics and others like them? Yes, even children have swore: "Well, you're with me, and stupid"! These are a few options, and a lot of them! That's how and attracts trouble, debt, bankruptcy, stupid kids I have a few months ago, met several times with one woman in each of our meeting, expressed concern for her son, who abused alcohol: "Save the need! After all, the guy will die! "And he died from cirrhosis liver or other disease – it just died a couple of months.