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25 March
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LexisNexis Publishing House

GOING PUBLIC! and LexisNexis have together put together a carefree package for financial services for the consumer credit directive in force since 11 June 2010. Gina Ross gathered all the information. Properly implement the practical guide consumer credit directive and advisers get compressed and practice-oriented information to an online training quickly to be able to adapt to the new legal framework conditions. Berlin, 30 June 2010 after the insurance mediation directive and the MiFiD directive on consumer credit in national law is implemented since 11 June 2010. Consultant immediately find the right way for the credit advice, they can now LexisNexis Publishing House and GOING PUBLIC! Quick and goal-oriented inform Academy for Finanzberatung AG. Properly implement the brochure Vebraucherkreditrichtlinie”advisers get a compressed, only 26-seitigen guide in the hand that guides you in the future through everyday advice. Topics are among others the implementation Act and its scope, special forms of contract and the new Information requirements in advertising, consulting, as well as in the loan agreement.

In addition, readers of the brochure will receive an online service with forms and current legislation. In a one-hour online training, financial institutions learn tips and hints for the consulting practice. Leading online training is the author of the brochure: Volker Grabis. By linking online presentation and conference call it will be participants, to ask questions during the training directly to the experts. Borrowers should be protected more by implementing the consumer credit directive.

So, consumers can now compare every credit offer by means of a single standard form in all 27 Member States. Advertising and pre-contractual information obligations are subject to European regulations since June 11, 2010. So has advertising as top credit from 3.45% from 129.00 EUR / month”now obsolete. Consultants who will withhold information or give even incorrect information, are perhaps even damages. The current AfW intermediary barometer has revealed that about every third intermediary conveys and consumer credits. In 2008, the stock of consumer credit in Germany comprised 224 billion. This is therefore an important market and a good chance to tie customers well informed financial advisor”, so Wolfgang Kuckertz, Board member of GOING PUBLIC! Academy for Finanzberatung AG. The brochure can be ordered directly from the Publisher LexisNexisfur only 10,60 EUR Excl. shipping costs. Registration for the online seminar is possible under. Journalists are like the online seminar by GOING PUBLIC! Academy for financial Consulting AG to take part. Applications indicating the telephone number and eMail address just set an excerpt of booklet on you will find here.

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