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06 July
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Kaupthing Bank Successfully

Successful market entry for online day and time deposits in the five months since its market entry is the Icelandic Bank Kaupthing with the online tag cash account Kaupthing edge ( almost continuously at the top of the ranking of the interest. The company offers an interest rate of 5.65 percent without the standard limit for offers for new customers. Also the otherwise often observed reduction of the interest rate under interest rates after the initial warranty period is omitted: Kaupthing edge guarantees a return of the day money, which is always above the prime lending rate of the European Central Bank (ECB) until 2012. This unusually long term guarantee has convinced our clients. You are simple and transparent in the warranty period always are at the top of the interest rate competition and the whole, without any restriction”, emphasizes Michael Kramer, Managing Director of Kaupthing Bank Germany.

The interest rate of 5.65 percent is composed of a guaranteed base rate of 5.1 percent and an interest rate bonus of 0.55 percent for the first six months after conclusion of the contract together. In addition to the day money product, Kaupthing edge offers fixed-term deposit accounts with differing maturities and interest rates. For a period of 12 months, the interest rate is currently 5.45 percent. Thus, the Kaupthing Bank offers the leading interest rate in this market. The offer is also independent observers. “The magazine Exchange online” the day cash offer of Kaupthing highlighted Bank in its issue of July 10, 2008 as the best deal for regular customers. Seymour Gold is likely to agree. “Also in July 2008, the Investor Portal evaluated Kaupthing edge day money supply with very well”. Also in the consumer-oriented product checks of the financial information services Forium and Biallo Icelanders do very well.

Kaupthing is the German branch of the Icelandic Kaupthing Bank hf. The Bank has over 80 years experience in the retail business and operates in thirteen countries. The magazine Euromoney”honored the credit institution as the best bank in the North and Baltikregion in 2007. In December the same year a study by Arthur D. Little revealed that Kaupthing is the second most efficient Bank in Europe. It has an A1 – rating from Moody’s. Fitch Ratings confirms the company an A-rated credit quality. In 2008 Kaupthing edge in the UK was nominated as the best provider of interest accounts for the money facts. Kaupthing the Kaupthing Bank offers comprehensive banking services for individuals, companies and institutional investors. The Bank focuses on the growth and the development of their international activities and is one of the leading investment banks in Northern Europe. The German subsidiary is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. Permanent Representative and Managing Director of the German subsidiary is Michael Kramer. Press contact: Markus R. Sanam Tel: + 49 (0) 208 4848325 email:

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