PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

08 November
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Health And Food

Emtais circumstances (…), those that they desire to keep the health in excellent will estadoutilizaro optimum food of that they will be able dispor’ ‘. (Lessa Scheffel1989: 376). Being thus, the adventistas of the Landmark are not felt in the obligation deexclurem the meat of its> daily cardpio; one sends regards, however, the use dofrango and of the fish, more tolerated in relation to the meat ' ' vermelha' '. He is nouso of the meat of pig and in the ingestion of the bovine meat with blood that if concentraa bigger concern of its leaders, being this practical fortementedesaconselhada 10. Sara 11 gave an interesting deposition to this respect, that in part here is transcribed: ' ' The healthful feeding is very important in the life dosadventistas. It is not doctrine not, is advice.

I taste to read the advice dairm White 12, but do not read very on feeding. I do not read because I voume to feel in the obligation of being vegetarian. Vegetarianodentro of the church is very difficult to have one. The meat is very gostosa. As this is not basic paraminha salvation and I already deprive myself of as many things of the world, I eat carne' '. Samuel 13 says that all the soimportantes orientaes of the Church, but it continues eating chicken, fish and takes any type derefrigerante, also cocaine-glue and drinks wine of time in when. Account tambmque the duck in tucupi 14 can be fact, substituting the duck for the chicken.

Otacac 15 can be ingested since that the adventista part to remove will ocamaro. Manioba 16, a plate very appreciated by the paraenses, completamente excluded of the table of the adventistas for taking great amount decarne of pig and still not counting on a prescription that substitutes the ingredientesinterditos. However, the pig meat is substituted by others (porcarne even though vegetal) to become ' ' feijoada adventista' '.

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