PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

12 October
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Down Syndrome and Obesity

Generally individuals with syndrome of Down present a sedentary behavior and to little practical of the physical exercise to be closely on the inherent conditions of the syndrome as weakness and muscular hipotonia, high prevalence of cardiac defects and abnormalitys of the circulatrio device, taxes reduced maximum cardiopath and respiratory abnormalitys (Duarte et al, 2004). We appraise the obesidade for the adiposa overload, of as this, influences in the genetics, its predisposition, the sedentarismo, in the feeding, among others factors that help the individual in the weight profit, being considered as one of the great problems of the humanity, in this way is important the incentive of the practical one of physical activities, as well as the acquisition of an adequate feeding. OBESITY IN DOWN SYNDROME: BAD FOOD OR GENETIC JUSTIFIED? ABSTRAC: In overview, the concept of obesity has increased dramatically worldwide. The increasing prevalence of obesity in patients with Down syndrome, seems you indicate that there is genetic predisposition or susceptibility you obesity, which act on the environmental factors related you lifestyles, which include mainly the eating habits and lack physical activity. This study you cite the relationship of obesity in patients with Down syndrome. This syndrome (DS) CONSTITUTE specific group of individuals where observed prevalence of overweight and obesity to higher in comparison with most normal populations. Obesity, defined the accumulation of excessive body fat is derived from chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Several This imbalance may be implied by factors related you lifestyle (diet and exercise) and various neuroendocrine disorders. The interest in the study focus on the theme the occurrence of obesity in patients with Down syndrome emerged with the objective of studying to whether there is relationship between obesity and SD Thus we try you focus why people with Down Syndrome show to greater likelihood will be the development of obesity. In this context the research has to character of literature review to multiinterdisciplinar, which the SD tells it to you with obesity was necessary you take theoretical about what is obesity, Down syndrome, and the correlation between them, based on knowledge relating you cell biology, genetics, metabolism, organic, mainly.

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