PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

20 April
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Veterans Hospital

But worsen my health continued until 1996. By early 1997, my weight dropped to 115 pounds (approx. 40 kg), and I became so weak that I have appointed a wheelchair from the Veterans Hospital in Houston, where I'm standing on outpatient care. My viral load increased to 170.000 viral cells, the number of T4 cells decreased to 80 per 1 ml of blood (norm – 1000 and more). In winter 1997, I kept very ill and was forced to stay in bed most of the time, because even if I do not would have been sick, I was so weak that he could not do anything. No matter how many clothes I wore my bones literally felt pain from cold, which in turn has made me sick with fever.

But that's not all. Now I was not able to take medication against aids because they could just poison me. By the spring of 1998 my health has not improved, although I really relied on it. But then quite by chance my wife won the tv quiz bottle of noni juice. I was determined in relation to this juice very skeptical.

I figured that if pharmaceuticals could not help me, then some kind of juice – even more so. But, thank God, my wife was very taken noni juice to 1 ounce per day. Very soon I began to notice that it has become more vigorous and strong, has become less tired. Plus to this it restore the sensitivity of leg, which disappeared a week before Furthermore, after a failed drop.

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