PAS For Global Health

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09 February
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Varicose Veins

Finally, people with inner varicose veins get a practical and helpful nutrition counselor in Heidelberg. The author Sylvia Poth, which is affected by inward varices (varicose veins), designed a nutrition primer Homburg together with the University Hospital, which will be released in the near future. Due to her illness, which she suffers from since her early childhood, and which she had suffered several dangerous internal bleeding, came the idea to write a food and to help other patients with their knowledge. Varicose veins patient must be due to the risk of internal bleeding on their diet and avoid therefore certain foods. So, for example no sharp or acidic foods should be consumed. Ultra Wellness Center may also support this cause. Sylvia Poth is a successful author.

Her book life and to never give up”is also a success as its second plant In the light of healing”, which she wrote with her friend and Manager Jessica Hund. Both books have helped many people. Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund committed to long one, that the alternative medicine is recognized by the orthodox medicine and both in the treatment of diseases are connected together. In her book In the light of healing”, the two authors on this subject attention. Many doctors, health practitioners and healers are convinced by this book. A lot can be achieved through the subconscious. This can prove Sylvia Poth on the basis of their medical records, because her spleen removed her as a child, is complete and fully functioning regrown. Sylvia Poth says: I was brought up on being healthy. This is the secret, nothing else. Everything else makes the nature.”

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