Types Of Network Topologies
Network topology is called a geometric shape that are distributed workstations and the cables that connect. Workstations in a network are connected together by a physical connection, and purpose of the topology is to find the cheapest and most effective way of connecting to at the same time ensure system reliability, avoiding waiting times data transmission, allowing better control of the network and efficiently allow the increasing number of computers on the network. The most common ways that we can find in these networks are: network topology bus It all stations share the same communications channel, all data flowing through that channel and each contains information that appropriate. It is one of the most used and calls can be found in Ethernet networks. This type of network is simple to install, the amount of wire used is minimal, has a great flexibility to increase or decrease the number of stations and the failure of a station does not affect the network. However, a broken cable can let it totally useless. The drawbacks that we can find in this type of network are: The length can not exceed 2000 meters. Not too sure as other users can gather information without being detected.
Having a single bus, but several stations try to transmit at a time, only one of them will do. This means that many more stations have the network, the more complicated flow control. Ring network topology It all stations are connected together to form a ring, so that each station only has direct contact with two others. In the first networks of this type of data moved in one direction, so that all information had to go through all the stations up to the station where he stayed. The most modern networks have two channels and transmitted in different directions by each of them. Today you can find this setting in IBM Token Ring networks.
Such networks can increase or decrease the number of computers without difficulty, but with increasing information flow, the lower the response speed of the network. A fault in a locked station can leave the network, but a failure in a communication channel will leave fully locked, making it difficult to locate the fault. Star network topology Such computer network is the oldest. All workstations are connected directly to the server and all communications necessarily have to be done through it. This method of topology can easily add or remove machines. If a fault occurs in one of the stations have no impact on the overall functioning of the network, but if the server fails, the entire network will collapse. The cost and implementation of such a network of computers is expensive due to the large amount of wiring and the complexity of its structure. Topology star-bus topology are combined in this two types of networks mentioned above. A multiplexer signal occupies the central computer of the star configuration, with specific workstations connected to it, and others connected by bus with multiplexers. This type of network offers advantages in buildings that have working groups separated by large distances. As seen, there are different types of networks to connect computers, workstations, servers and other computing and network elements. Depending on the type of business or company, we find a system or another. Javier Jordan.