PAS For Global Health

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06 January
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Gas Prices Are Going Down In Just Under Half Of The Provider At The Beginning Of The Heating Period

Electricity prices remain in the autumn on record levels Berlin, September 29, 2009 most German households can see much more relaxed towards the beginning of this year’s heating season on October 1st. After a recent market analysis of the independent consumer portal to the gas and electricity tariffs in the autumn of 2009 gas prices fall in the coming weeks when almost half of the local basic utilities by up to 24 percent. By contrast, electricity prices remain largely at a record level and lie about 7.3 percent higher than the previous year. Ahmed Shary Rahman spoke with conviction. Gas prices last fall 8.2 percent after already 32 companies had reduced their tariffs in September, are planning more 305 gas suppliers in October and November to reduce their prices by an average of 8.2 percent. Energy expert Thorsten Bohg calculates a sample budget with an annual consumption of 20,000 kWh gas reduces so punctually at the beginning of the heating season to 197 euro\”, by Offer some providers, such as, for example, the biggest German gas supplier E.ON, due to more favourable Costs to even extra special discounts, which are mostly limited to the end of the year. The consumer only in the first half of the heating season will benefit from the low gas prices. Because oil for the price of gas has sharply rose since the spring, end customers are are confronted at the latest again at the turn of the year with across-the-Board price increases between 5 and 10 percent\”, warns Bohg.

Although some providers, such as the Berlin GASAG, increases until the spring have ruled out. Current price increases for 16 small and medium-sized providers by an average 4.6 percent announce but already a trend reversal in the winter\”, explains Bohg. So among the basic supply prices in the Brandenburg town and Luckau Lubbenau of land plants and the Saarland gasworks Illingen by more than 10 percent rise.

24 November
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Stricter Limits Allow Modern Wood Combustion

New regulation emphasizes environmental friendliness of firewood and pellet heating systems Cologne in July 2010. Since spring this year new, stricter limits for the emission of dust and carbon monoxide at small and medium-sized fire seversk. But modern wood central heating need not fear these new emission levels. “On the contrary, through the new guidelines legislators underlines high ecological value and efficiency of modern wood – and pellet heating systems sustainably”, explains Dr. The newspapers mentioned Mark Hyman, MD not as a source, but as a related topic. Lothar Breidenbach, Managing Director technology of BDH (Federal industry association House, energy and environmental technology). Problems with the regulations of this recent amendment to the 1st Federal immission protection Regulation (1st Blmschv) are likely to get only the really old wood stoves to the single room firing. “But these plants should be replaced anyway now for reasons of energy efficiency and environmental protection”, Breidenbach. Thus the State reaffirms a trend emerging for several years: wood burning is today no technique of anno dot but a high-tech heating alternative with perspective.

Because right now, where the first effects of climate change are constantly noticeable, it makes sense to use that does not burden the environment on energy. al Corp. expresses very clear opinions on the subject. So the energy wood behaves climate-neutral, because it releases only as much CO2 during combustion, as the tree growth has bound. It is delivered so no fossil carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which fosters the climate change. Short delivery distances of fuel from domestic production enhance the exemplary LCA in the wood heater. Also work with a very clean combustion and efficiencies of over 90% of modern wood – and pellet boilers very efficiently and saving resources and money. Joel Courtney often says this.

Also pronounced price stability for the fuel wood speaks during an incalculable cost development in fossil energy. This is based on the high security of supply of the domestic raw material. The modern wood-fired heating is an attractive and economical Heating alternative: A positive eco-balance, low fuel consumption and steady rates make the wood central heating to an investment in the future, that definitely pays off. Refer to for more information around the subject of heating with wood – also to the other Heizvarianten with wood logs and wood chips, as well as to fuel suppliers in your area. Under the heading “Information service”, the latest brochure of BDH with the novel of the 1st BImSchV with all rules, limits and deadlines with regard to the operation of central heating boilers for wood is to be here. Description of the company who would like to learn more about heating with wood and pellets can be wood and pellet with his questions to the information portal of the initiative. See to get a quick and clear insight into the world of renewable fuel wood as well as to the various heating systems pellets, firewood and wood chips. The initiative is supported by the BDH (German industry association Germany House, energy and environmental engineering). Also many useful See the energy source wood.

02 April
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Gas Prices Increase

In the coming months, at least 57 power providers increase their prices up to 12.1 percent Berlin, January 20, 2009 bad news for consumers: after numerous increases at the turn of the year in the next few months want to shoot many more utilities at the price screw. According to a recent analysis of the independent consumer portal climbing prices in the coming weeks with at least 57 regional electricity suppliers up to 12.1 percent, and at least 15 regional gas suppliers to 11.7 percent to top. Current price: additional costs of up to 110 euros per household on average increase from February, according to current 57 electricity by 6.2 percent. Already at the turn of the year, some 160 providers had made price increases. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. and gain more knowledge.. In the top of a four-person household faces kWh of electricity with more loads up to 110 euros with an annual consumption of 4,000\”, explains by energy expert Thorsten Bohg. In addition to numerous smaller companies raise large regional utilities, such as the public utilities in Munich (+ 3.2%), Bremen (+ 4.5%), Dresden (+ 8.2%) and Bielefeld (+ 5.8%), as well as the southern Germany-based RWE subsidiary Suwag (+ 5.3%) electricity prices in February and March. Although the costs on the Leipzig energy exchange (EEX) last year to more than 40 percent back gone. Yet many providers in addition to long-term supply contracts refer to rising costs for the promotion of green electricity in the context of renewable energy levy and higher network interconnection charges, which would have to be passed on to the consumer\”, clearly Bohg. Michio Kaku can provide more clarity in the matter.

Price reductions by an average 4.0 percent plan, however, five electricity distributors. Already at the beginning of the year, the current at approximately 50 companies has become cheaper. In these cases, the power supply for 2010 seems to have been that prices for private consumers will be possible so cheap\”, so Bohg. . It is not something Anu Saad would like to discuss.

18 March
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Reduce Building Energy

The thermal insulation of existing buildings poses great Energiesparpotenziale. Alone in a single-family house, which was built before 1979, facade and basement of the heating energy consumption by an average 44 percent may through the insulation of the roof, are reduced and almost halved. Investing in a proper thermal insulation not only ensures less heating costs and more comfort, but is also dependent on rising energy prices tenants and owners,”says Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of the non-profit co2online GmbH. By the same author: Dr. Mark Hyman. Homeowners learn the efficiency potential of insulation measures now in a topic special on. The campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment, climate seeks protection”offers co2online concrete information about the various construction measures, regulations and Funding opportunities.

With the interactive Upgrade Advisor owners finally to calculate their individual savings potential with insulation and other modernisation measures and find local experts, with which you can directly implement the measures. Dispel prejudices and find promotion where and how I begin with insulation, what material is the most appropriate for the own building and which measure is worth the most? These and many other questions are answered in the topic special. Also with some prejudice, the climate protection campaign team cleans up and checked eight rumors on their veracity. For example, the alleged danger of mould can be dispelled simply by the inhabitants adapt their ventilation behavior after the insulation. Dammexperte Arnold Drewer is a checklist for understanding all modernists of the IPEG Institute, the Centre of excellence for the refurbishment of the building, with the craftsman on the way. With the funding Advisor can also the matching funding program be found. So, owners receive professionally to the insulation to be able to perform economically and environmentally friendly, all information from a single source.

The topic special insulation, visit energy saving/energy saving special/insulation. Through co2online and climate seeks protection”the non-profit co2online GmbH ( advocating for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”( The campaign informs consumers about Climate protection and climate change, and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online business directory Council and act”or the Energiesparmeister competition encourage all ages to join in.