PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

17 January
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Strengtheing One

Therefore karat Shotokan is a fight of the martial arts that possesss philosophical basements that the balance of the body and the mind searchs. In it if it implanted principles that guide its practitioners since the beginning one until the most graduated and not only in the Karat sport, but in all the moments of daily of the practitioner of karat these principles are followed. It is with this philosophy that karat Shotokan if spread out for the world adopting a doctrine of healthful life, disciplines, balance, through the devotion, loyalty, autoconfiana of the individual. These estimated are well clear in the motto of the Karat Shotokan, ' ' Strengtheing themselves for the formation of the character, Allegiance stops with the true way of the reason, Creating intention of effort, Respect above all and Containing the spirit of agresso' ' (SASAKI, 1978). Therefore, karat Shotokan passed if to expand for the world not for only being martial art, But also as one disciplines that the physicist works and contributes in the development of the intellect, psicomotoras abilities, cognitivos processes and partner-affective of its practitioners. Leaving of this premise, one perceives that the idealizer of the Karat Shotokan demonstrated that beyond fighting he has other social manifestations that if add to karat beyond if all working the development of the children or the apprentice such as: the psicomotor, motor coordination, process cognitivos and partner-affective development. Breda (2004) points that, ' ' the fights such which sport of ampler form, must be understood in century XXI for its multiple possibilities of practical and contribution for the integral development of to be humano' '. But, however what if it does not have to forget are the true objectives of karat, that, generally, they have been neglected. They have given importance, purely to the physical part and the aspect of self-defense of this art.

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