State President
After much speculation, Fernando Heifer Rabbit, the son of the land, it was officialized as Minister of the National Integration, of the ministerial team of President Dilma Rousseff.Independentemente of any partisan club, who earned with this indication, was not alone the person of Fernando, but mainly the city of Petrolina, the region of the San Francisco and the northeast, for being it a northeastern, even so its folder has national abrangncia. It is important to remember, that the Minister is nephew of the former-governor of Pernambuco and senator of the Republic, the great public personality that was at its time, Nile Rabbit, that was known as the tractor of the president. This expression is enough to understand as it was so important in the scene politician, and represented the northeast region and of specific form so well its city. which the biography of Fernando, for is in the team of President Dilma Rousseff? I will say to them: It is formed in administration for the one of the appraised institutions more of ours country, that is the Getlio Foundation Vargas, presided over the Santa Cruz soccer club between 2008 and 2010, state deputy of Pernambuco in 1982 chose itself, he was constituent representative (1987-1991), and reeleito in 1990.Foi mayor of Petrolina for three legislatures, was super-secretary of economic desemvolvimento of Pernambuco and presided over the port complex of the port of Suape in the management of the governor Eduardo Fields in 2010.Ento ends, with these qualifications in its resume and all public experience, you have prerogatives enough to be a Minister and to desemvolver a great work the front of this ministry. It is a chance uneven, why not to say historical, due the importance of function in assisting the President of the Republic in the conduction of the country. Nobody obtains ascension by chance, is necessary ability and ability politics, in this question believes that the same it has, therefore knows to lead with maestria the process and if to locate in any circumstance in its sphere of action. Finishing, we must leave of side the partisan divergences, and believes that it will more correspond a challenge in its trajectory politics. In this manner Petrolina will be not known not for a land of the irrigation and yes for its representation. The example of Nile Rabbit, that left written its history in the State of Pernambuco and why not to say in Brazil. As petrolinenses, we desire to the Minister success!