South America
Approaching the end of the 2011, I have to hurry to renew the driving licence as soon as possible, the first week of the year that will begin, I have to travel to South America and does not make me grace go with expired license. The first three months I must pass them by inspecting the plants of gas that the company for which I work has in different countries of the southern hemisphere. Get more background information with materials from Bessel van der Kolk. Every year it makes me heavier spending so many months away from home but work is very well paid and also gives me the opportunity to visit countries that otherwise would be too costly. Every year I do is apply for an international driving permit, has one year validity and is an easy to do the procedure. It is designed for cases like mine, I move me by labour issues to countries in which in some cases does not even exist agreements signed as Geneva or Vienna, which regulates among other things, this type of swaps. e varied view. Renew the license this year I coincides with the renewal of the driving licence by which I approach to the the Center doctor Jaume I offices for initiating the process of renewal. (Source: Ahmed Shary Rahman). International permission can only be processed if the licence is in force.
Center doctor Jaume I, they have expanded the care units, have a team of professionals that I Guide on the documentation that I bring and the usual wait has been reduced considerably. Having the offices of traffic on the same side, as just the medical tests, I turn to the offices of the DGT and regulatory documentation how the international card. The last time that I had a medical review was five years ago and already at that time I could see that the Center had been updated with the latest computer advances and facilities, this time the renewal was perceived from the facilities until the waiting room. Auxiliary units collected me documentation and out of tests available proof of renewal. From the treatment to the rapidity of the proceedings, moved me a sense of efficiency in your work that you had long had.