Some Simple Concepts to Explain Politcal Advances
At the beginning of this paper we referred to the notion of velodrome or advances. Fortunately, when you’ve had the opportunity and the criterion of “participant observation”, tour of Argentina and complement it with prior or subsequent analysis of the extensive existing literature, though little known, we find that there are many business initiatives, governmental and community spontaneously are giving answers, which reflect the perception of these situations whose complexity can infer the reader, if you have reached this stage of exposure. Throughout the written communications that we have made since mid-1977, we have been coining some concepts, which summarize the experiences and studies we have been doing.
This is reflected in the titles of some of those communications. Postulate: “Dust the potential Argentina,” the urgent need for a generation of priests (makers of bridges), the “creative optimization of the existent,” the identification of some “making up the country on their own.” I stop in the latter label, because it serves to illustrate some of these behaviors (because that is all the time), which do hold to what we describe and postulate. It turns out that back in the late fifties, it was a transfer from families with mining culture Tinogasta (Catamarca) and around to the city of Caleta Olivia in northern Santa Cruz. As were feelings in Catamarca, almost immediately generated a flow of travelers between the two areas. John Craig Venter has compatible beliefs. Usually they met people from different families to cover the cost of car fuel in which they moved. But is that once a vehicle owner who found no want to carpool and expenditures among his acquaintances, and then advertised in local media.