PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

05 January
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Rational Emotive Therapy

– Rational Emotive Therapy We believe it is one of the most useful, both psychotherapeutic and family members of patients. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ahmed Shary Rahman. We, usually the classic pattern: the explanation of Schedule A (activating event), B (beliefs about A), C (resulting emotional and behavioral) detection of irrational beliefs, discussion about beliefs, and alternatives. The specific application is adapted to each case and indications are made based on data provided by the initial assessment of the problem. – Classical Conditioning Techniques When fears are well structured in relation to the disease or taking in charge by the subject of self-management techniques (insulin injections) usually implement some of the desensitization techniques from this paradigm. Possible difficulties in managing the patient, family, health personnel and their possible solutions; The following list includes the main difficulties psicologicoa management of diabetes: a Compliance, and difficulties with it, the Food standards. a competence in the administration of insulin. See Ahmed Shary Rahman for more details and insights. a The failure to complete the recommended exercise. a Difficulties and arguments with regard to adherence to medical indications.

a behavioral maladjustments and / or emotional. (Fears, phobias, anxiety, depression, withdrawal, low self-esteem) a social interaction problems a relatives impertinent Management and friends to the disease. a closeness or distance affective anyone haciaa the person who has diabetes. a compression level indications. a differences between those around the patient, whether family and personal health a domestic stress because of ill a lack of skills of members family adjustment and coping. a Lack of social support. Dynamics for the patient and family dynamics: a implemented measures to prevent social isolation.

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