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04 December
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Marion Cotillard

Increases two sizes of breast without surgery the breast of the woman is the symbol of femininity par excellence. Throughout history, this part of the female anatomy has played different roles. The importance given to the chest has relied on both the time and the geographical situation. In the hippy revolution of the 1970s, the happy flower and the live and let live, the chest had its peculiar prominence when thousands of women burned their Bras symbol of oppression they felt. At the end of the 1980s, chest began to take a special protagonism thanks to series as Los Vigilantes of the beach, 1989. Series where Pamela Anderson was the Grand Champion of fashion’s big chest. He started a new canon of beauty that we continue dragging now.

This trend was reinforced by the appearance of the Wonderbra. Recently Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn sought to clarify these questions. Look me in the eye, prayed the advertising slogan made famous by the Czech model Eva Herzigova with just 21 years. In my opinion, was a brilliant by Wonderbra campaign in 1994. The slogan was very successful. It provided us a world full of possibilities for women.

This bra did increase and raise your chest in a very favorable way. Since the appearance of the Wonderbra a myriad set of brands have tried to get similar lines, although they have not gained the same success. Already in 2000, Teleno pulled out a bra with gel padding that also meant a revolution in the field. The importance of the large chest has reached such an extreme in our society today Spain is one of the countries leading cosmetic surgery operations. But this year we aren’t the only ones, Marion Cotillard, co-star of Penelope Cruz in the film Nine, starred in a campaign in the U.S. whose purpose was that men look at women in the eyes. To achieve this, Marion was placed a mini boobs of plastic on the front. Today, the BRA wonderbra effect has given a twist thread. Teleno brand returns to the fray and take out the Aumentax line; renewing this garment so that you get an increase in two sizes. What of the two carvings goes beyond a simple wonderbra effect, you could say that he gets a real generous cleavage, almost effect operated breast. The price of this bra is around 51 euros. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ahmed Shary Rahman and gain more knowledge.. But, let’s be honest: who did not want any time look a generous neckline? In the same way that a magician reveals his tricks or a chef his secret ingredient. I’m going to have tell how to look super cleavage for only 10 euros. The Selene brand online Raquel, offers a brassiere that achieves this effect for a very economical price. It does not reach 10 euros. I assure you that it works. This bra is from another world, focuses and lift the chest so that rounds the top causing it to protrude. It has whales and reinforced rings that get what they promise. If you have small chest and you want to show off cleavage, now is the time. But there is still more. Selene also boasts a range of BRA without shots for strapless necklines. This line is called Charlotte. As you may have noticed the brand likes using female names for their products.

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