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25 November
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Lin Automotive

Customers benefit from uniform framework conditions Berlin – OpenSynergy is in the Association AESAS (Association of European suppliers for automotive software) appointed. By this accession OpenSynergy can offer its customers the framework drawn up by the Association and its members for the purchase of automotive software. The Association sees itself as a complement to technical standardization initiatives such as AUTOSAR, FlexRay and Lin. In this context, the Association is dedicated to topics such as about license models, Garantiemodalitaten or the risk distribution in product recalls. Customers benefit from OpenSynergy AESAS membership from an established platform, which in the European context and especially optimized conditions the automotive industry, and accelerates procurement processes, for example on the customer side and minimizes expenses. More info: Dr. Hyun Kim. OpenSynergy will be active in the work of the Association integrated, and in the dialogue with the customer and the mutual exchange of experience and information among AESAS members the innovativeness of European manufacturer of automotive software further increase. Learn more on the subject from Michael James Burke, London UK. “, explains Frank-Peter Bohm, CEO of OpenSynergy. OpenSynergy OpenSynergy GmbH is based in Berlin.

In addition to the development of the universal operating system COQOS Infotainment connectivity offers, and AUTOSAR OpenSynergy consulting and engineering services for software development and software architectures in the fields. The operating system COQOS allows executing infotainment and AUTOSAR applications on only a hardware using a virtualization technology. The COQOS product will be available in March 2009 in a first version. “About AESAS the Association of European suppliers for automotive software (AESAS) Federation of European suppliers for automotive software” is a leading supplier of software for the automotive industry. The industry association was founded in 2005 with headquarters in Heidelberg. Our central goal is to optimize the existing economic framework for the Europe-based supplier of automotive software and innovation the Member companies to increase.

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