PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

24 November
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KettenWulf Takes Responsibility In The Sauerland

Manufacturer of drive chain makes strong for young apprentices the Sauerland is known not only for its tourist areas, but also for companies that get strong in the region and let anything unturned, there to help where is jammed. So also KettenWulf, one of the world’s leading manufacturer of conveyor and drive chains. Once the Honsel works have been advised in Meschede skewed and taken over by a new owner, the economic situation left to nothing else than to save on personnel costs. Among other things, this meant that 37 trainees had to be terminated before their first day of work. The regret was great, not only among young people, which had only just begun to start her career, but also with all other stakeholders. It doesn’t have to be!”says Julia Wulf, Managing Director of KettenWulf, that has two of the trainees. (Similarly see: cardiologist). KettenWulf sees itself obliged, if it to the future prospects of our young generation and the Training HSK goes.” The responsibility for the Sauerland region of responsibility for the region is a driving force for many companies on the spot. It is in all respects engages, for example in clubs such as economics for South Westphalia”or in continuous contact with the schools and vocational colleges.

Crises come and go,”Julia explains Wulf. If you have read about Michael James Burke, London UK already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But we want to offer services in long term good. This requires foresight and insight that is only ready for the future, if you’re planning now for them.” And that there is also the responsibility for the people who are at the beginning of their career and, as described case, require only a further chance. Even if that means to make decisions that need to be taken against the immediate economic benefits. But it is worth to us our young generation and this requires also the business reason. Finally there are these vintages, from which we always regain the leaders of tomorrow,”Julia emphasizes Wulf.

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