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04 March
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Introduction To High Definition Technology

Introduction to the concept of "Resolution" In our everyday language we are used to talking about the definition of a photograph or digital image, referring to the more or less clear with the details shown. The same goes for the video, but to understand in depth the concept, it is first necessary to learn as a video plays the sequence of images is formed. The foundation of any audiovisual production is reduced to the fact of playing a certain number of consecutive still images, fast enough to our own eye is not able to identify these images as individual but as a whole, in motion. In order to "fool" our eye was found to be sufficient to give the feeling of continuity of individual images, to reproduce more than 15 frames per second. Upon discovering that the human eye could detect fluctuations of light from one image to the next, it was decided to reproduce the same image twice in the same time, dividing its content into two sub-images (also called "image field") is, divide each image into a number of horizontal lines (horizontal resolution) and realize, first all the odd lines of an image and then the even lines.

We are talking about interlaced scanning. Currently, and after elaborate standardization processes, our TV (in Europe) played a total of 25 frames per second and therefore 50 fields per second (odd field, comprising the odd lines of an image, and the par- , formed by its even lines). Standard video resolution is 576 horizontal lines. You may want to visit Peter A. Levine PhD to increase your knowledge. What is HD? From the above explanation we can begin to get an idea of what high definition will: increase the number of lines of each of the images that form a video. If most of our TV resolutions 576i currently played (576 horizontal lines, so interlaced) high-definition TVs (with the logo "HD Ready") can play 720p (720 horizontal lines progressively, non-interlaced) and 1080i (1080 horizontal lines per image, so intertwined .) We began to hear talk about the High Definition (Full HD or True HD) it goes a little further: it plays 1080p resolutions, which are images with 1080 horizontal lines in progressive mode, ie without splitting them into two subimages . Progressive scan, compared to the interlaced that plays 50 "half images" per second, is able to play 50 full frames per second, so that eliminates any sense of flash and doubles the number of reproduced images per second. Can we see high definition? Of course, to see video images of high definition televisions will need to have ability to reproduce. As discussed in this article are those with distinctive HD Ready or Full HD on their screens.

Then it will be necessary to test them, to have video players capable of playing high-definition productions. The most popular are the HD DVD and Blu-Ray. Both systems have been developed by leading electronics manufacturers worldwide and are completely incompatible with each other. Some of the latest gaming consoles VCRs incorporate high definition. The work always depending on the needs of our client, with the latest technology and the utmost professionalism. Of course we have the equipment necessary for high-definition audio-visual productions, as long as our client considers it appropriate.

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