PAS For Global Health

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09 January
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Globalizing Fears

This article belongs to the series of phobias: the dark world of fears, which makes a tour of the name of the most common fears to confronting mankind. Who suffer from xenophobia must make effort to heal itself, as globalization, today present in all places and at all times, imposes on us the need to coexist and interact with nationals of different countries, help them, accompany them, help them and, reciprocally, receive collaboration, support and help from them. Xenophobia became, then, not only harmful and unnecessary, but also completely anachronistic. It is not sure that there is someone with this evil but, if anything, we mention the cibofobia, tecmor food and the crometofobia, fear of money (still not I found to the first this evil enfermito) or to touch the money, little recommended condition for employees of institutions of the financial system. I don’t know if they have had something to do with the increasing volume of transactions in which is not required the presence of paper currency and with the increasingly frequent use of so-called plastic money. There are so many phobias that isn’t enough space in this column to detail them all. And while many still there are some for which no exact word has coined.

A friend who say to read the draft of this text told me: you are missing the most important phobia. I what I asked? The phobia to that damn sport, football, we have women who by their fault we were widowed when they pass the party through television; You must include the futbolfobia, he told me the truth my research to find the little word suggested by my friend have been totally unsuccessful. At least I found futbolmania, behavior that does not reach to be regarded as a fear but an addiction and would come to be the opposite of what ladies suffer. We accept then, while we find a more appropriate term, futbolfobia to designate rage, rejection, fear to football. In the future you can determine if it is more dangerous the futbolmania or the futbolfobia. I do not think that it is easy to discover the cure for any of the two and when, hopefully is not a drug to be applied through a hypodermic injection because it is proven that the futbolmaniacos, among them who this writes, often suffer in addition to belenofobia, i.e., fear of needles.

Well, I think that at this stage it is better to finish to avoid the risk of causing boredom kind readers to the point that someone will take the phobias phobia. In this case we have to diagnose it as a victim of phobophobia, i.e., phobias phobia. Read the first part read the second part read the third part Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. Get all the facts and insights with Ahmed Shary Rahman, another great source of information. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events.

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