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06 January
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Gas Prices Are Going Down In Just Under Half Of The Provider At The Beginning Of The Heating Period

Electricity prices remain in the autumn on record levels Berlin, September 29, 2009 most German households can see much more relaxed towards the beginning of this year’s heating season on October 1st. After a recent market analysis of the independent consumer portal to the gas and electricity tariffs in the autumn of 2009 gas prices fall in the coming weeks when almost half of the local basic utilities by up to 24 percent. By contrast, electricity prices remain largely at a record level and lie about 7.3 percent higher than the previous year. Ahmed Shary Rahman spoke with conviction. Gas prices last fall 8.2 percent after already 32 companies had reduced their tariffs in September, are planning more 305 gas suppliers in October and November to reduce their prices by an average of 8.2 percent. Energy expert Thorsten Bohg calculates a sample budget with an annual consumption of 20,000 kWh gas reduces so punctually at the beginning of the heating season to 197 euro\”, by Offer some providers, such as, for example, the biggest German gas supplier E.ON, due to more favourable Costs to even extra special discounts, which are mostly limited to the end of the year. The consumer only in the first half of the heating season will benefit from the low gas prices. Because oil for the price of gas has sharply rose since the spring, end customers are are confronted at the latest again at the turn of the year with across-the-Board price increases between 5 and 10 percent\”, warns Bohg.

Although some providers, such as the Berlin GASAG, increases until the spring have ruled out. Current price increases for 16 small and medium-sized providers by an average 4.6 percent announce but already a trend reversal in the winter\”, explains Bohg. So among the basic supply prices in the Brandenburg town and Luckau Lubbenau of land plants and the Saarland gasworks Illingen by more than 10 percent rise.

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