Door One
One becomes difficult to define in each individual, the ratio of auditory loss that must to the process of senility in itself, of that one caused by metabolic, traumatic or defined factors hereditarily. It is arrived then at the conclusion of that the phenomenon of the presbiacusia is of multifactorial origin, as it demonstrated Rosen, in its work epidemiologist (1966) that it suggested the relation between auditory loss in the aged one and the ambient noise, without excluding the physical activity, diet, use of ototxicas drugs, arteriosclerose and illnesses associates in the comparative populations. In the aging process, a gradual loss in the sensorial epitlio and the components of the labyrinth occurs, as well as in the cclea. The gradual reduction of the number of the cells approximately starts to the 40 years CHAPTER III 3 – CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS With the reduction of auditory sensitivity occur a reduction in the inteligibilidade of speak, what it comes to seriously compromise its process of verbal communication. The auditory loss in high frequencies (acute) becomes the perception of the consonants very difficult, to the aged ones, especially when the communication occurs in unhealthy or noisy environments. ' ' They do not understand what he is dito' '.
Predominance of the masculine sex in the presbiacusia is observed, according to research the auditory loss is significantly greater in men. The presbiacusia in the aged one can cause some problems psico-partners such as: Social isolation, auditory Incapacity (churches, radio and TV), intolerncia the sounds of moderate to the high intensity (acute). If the person says low the aged one does not hear if it cries out bothers, it. Problems of alert and prohibited: incapacity to hear people and vehicles coming close itself, pans boiling, alarms, telephone, bell of the door, announcements of emergencies in radio and TV. When questioned on the pathology the familiar ones they describe the aged one as: Main symptoms: Difficulty to participate conversational or to speak to the telephone, sensation of that does not obtain to understand the words, necessity to increase the volume of the TV or radio, difficulty to locate a sonorous source.