Bluetooth Protection
VAD sysob presents DeviceLock 6.4: protection solution Schorndorf extended to include many features, June 15, 2009 the use of external devices like PDA, Smartphone or memory stick is now everyday for many companies. Often, the high risks are however underestimated which emanate from poor security on the USB port, FireWire, or Bluetooth interfaces. The new version of the efficient endpoint security software DeviceLock 6.4 ensures reliable protection from data theft and network damage by removable media. Together with his partner of DeviceLock, Inc., the sysob IT distribution offers thus a software solution which has been supplemented with important powerful features such as the content-aware rules or the network-awareness support. While numerous companies protect their IT infrastructure with sophisticated password systems from unauthorized access or theft of data, interfaces represent a frequently overlooked loophole for data thieves. For intruders it is easy, the security features of the Operating system to get around and through unsecured interfaces to gain control over the computer. Additional protection is therefore essential.
DeviceLock provides companies therefore an endpoint security solution to the comprehensive device security policy. The new software version of DeviceLock 6.4 convinced as before with its proven performance features, also relies on maximum protection through advanced functionalities. The solution is now available through a wide network of reseller partners of value added distributor sysob (in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland). Effective protection by doubtless file type matching the content-aware rules are one of the core features of the new version of DeviceLock. These enable a yet feingliedrigere vote on the requests of the user through the assignment of permissions on file type level. Regardless of the permission for the use of external storage media, it is thus possible to allow the copying or moving only certain file types or deny. Furthermore, these file types as parameters to the audit can and Shadow feature, passed by DeviceLock making the software able to record only transactions of this type of data.