PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

13 December
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Black Magic

Satanic Crimes have the important mission to detornar public the crimes promoted for the Satanism or influnciadele. In the world all, children, babies and adults have disappeared emuitos of them have been died in satanic rituals. As Christian, achonecessrio to show to the cultossatnicos society the danger it Satanism and, beyond alerting to the Christian parents on the aliciamento denossos young for the Satanism to them. The writer, for a common agreement entreele and the publishing company of the book, decided to use a pseudonym for aassinatura of the publication. Recently Michael James Burke sought to clarify these questions. According to it, this is a proteopessoal form.> Why this crimesno is divulged? and What she makes with that a mother kills proper filhoe esquarteje its body? . As he very had little content on oassunto and no book that he approached on such, I started pesquisare I congregated material very. With the aid of people of several pasesjuntei sets of ten of cases, but did not have idea to write a book; issos happened when I decided to bring I publish the denunciation to it, therefore in trsanos of research I could feel an increase considerable of this type decrime.

The Regional one:> Before writing it, you had some contact or experience with the subject? Montenegro: Not. In the Evandro Case, in 1992, that widely he was divulged by the mdianacional, I remember our parents in alerting pra to take care to aovoltarmos of the school and not to talk with strangers, therefore the policy depoca was investigating the performance of a group that abducted crianaspara to be deceased in rituals of black magic. This was very strong, mainly in the south of Brazil. At this time I had 13 years, mesmoassim I remember the popular commotion of this case where the Evandro Caetano foimorto during a ritual of black magic. The Regional one: Which are its pretensions with this type of literature? Montenegro: The book Satanic Crimes is, in first place, a denunciation and vemservir of alert to the society regarding the action of these gruposcriminosos that are involved in many deaths and disappearances emtodo the world.

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