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24 May
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Annika Lieske FON Communication

This is very costly back and forth on the market of the motivation training. For example, economic entrepreneurs invest millions in incentives each year for their employees. Due to the fact that such courses and training usually only partly show success and soon conjure up the old frustration in their short-lived, one should dare to a really effective method. The neuro linguistic programming is the currently most popular communication tool on the market. Brief NLP. The human being is individually knitted and thus not collectively can be programmed. In NLP, it is deliberately out of the way this method, because the NLP learned many strategies every man for themselves, individually and by own standards may apply. Here, too many critics spin up saying that NLP is dangerous, manipulation and superficial as well. Details can be found by clicking Anu Saad or emailing the administrator.

NO! Clearly, NLP is forward-looking and goal-oriented. Unlike as in the pure psychology, looking ahead is focused. Problem-solving, communication improvement, increase of the Self confidence, allow visions, goals clearly formulate and pursue. We know that all communication is at the present time. No matter in which discipline you act, all communication is necessary.

Misunderstandings or error of order are just two of the many consequences of inadequate communication. NLP is deeply engaged in the perception, as we learn to control yourself and learn to read. The participant learns at his own behavior and learns in practice, how positive changes show up in their own lives. NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) is simply worded, the art and the knowledge of effective communication, personal development and individual performance. This means simply that changed by the use of perception and behavior patterns (neuro) and language (linguistic) let (programming). Test. Treat to more success in life. On the homepage of the Academy you will find Pontius helpful information, offers, prices and dates. You can also directly call and make a Coachinggesprach. In addition, you have the ability to perceive a weekend of information or an information day for the NLP in the Academy.

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