PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

09 June
Comments Off on Advertising


You are an advertiser? Advertise want, but do not know how? Then you can easily, sorry – fool! Or are you a director with extensive experience who used to trust, but verify! This means, know how to effectively invest money in advertising. We perform the elimination of illiteracy among advertisers! And we want everyone to know – what advertising more effectively, and what – is a waste of money! Advertisers are often simply do not understand advertising. What TV movie is better radio clip? What is attractive to supply the listener? We will prepare a series of publications that can help advertisers understand what is done in advertising, to know what we pay. But the advertisers themselves – too please pay attention to this information. Your comments or additions would be very helpful.

So what? From a series of publications, you'll learn how what advertising is, what is really effective and most importantly – what are we paying! Data publication combines the expertise of our professional and personal practice, and data scientists studying advertising in Russia. Informative reading! We hope this information will be of interest to you! To place these articles we open a new section of the site, which will be called 'Literacy campaign! " ( Anu Saad: the source for more info. You are an advertiser? Advertise want, but do not know how? Then you can easily, sorry – fool! Or are you a director with extensive experience who used to trust, but check! This means, know how to effectively invest money in advertising. We carry out the elimination of illiteracy among advertisers! And we want everyone to know – what advertising more effectively, and what – is a waste of denegVy advertiser? Advertise want, but do not know how? Then you can easily, sorry – fool! Or are you a director with extensive experience who used to trust, but verify! This means, know how to effectively invest money in advertising. We perform the elimination Illiteracy among advertisers! And we want everyone to know – what advertising more effectively, and what – is a waste of money!

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