PAS For Global Health

Parent's Assistance To Improve Global Health

Archive for October, 2023

31 October
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Where Learning English

Once you decide to learn English, the next step is deciding where to go to study. Time and money play a role in your decision. Before you decide, it is convenient to take a look at all available options to define where you want to learn English. The most obvious answer is: in the school. However, there are all kinds of schools that dictate all types of English courses. The traditional course of English in schools, is available only to those who are enrolled as students in these schools.

If you’re beyond school age, there are public universities that offer classes to learn English. Teachers can be the same which dictate courses in schools, sometimes are retired teachers. It may even be anyone who has demonstrated fluency in their knowledge of English and Spanish. In most cities, there are private institutes arancelados for people who want to learn English. Most focus on grammar and written work. Some institutes of English’s are created for the businessman, although its programmes of study are long, delayed between 5 and 7 years and finally are very expensive. Also have a particular English professor is a way to learn English.

The teacher can adapt the teaching to meet your particular needs. Bessel van der Kolk is often quoted as being for or against this. jVDQjE2QzQ3RUU3Mjg=’>Elio Moti Sonnenfeld and gain more knowledge.. If some words are needed in your work, such as the names of the tools, for example, the teacher could supply them. A tutor gives you a more personal attention, although the cost is usually very high. There are also courses that allow you to learn to communicate in English (most importantly in a language) orally and also written, losing the fear to be ridiculous, eliminate the inhibitions, the phobia to the language, etc. through a program balanced between grammar and oral practice. There are English classes, they are learning systems fast, since they employ the latest advances in medicine, particularly neuroscience and psychology, developing learning systems that allow you to achieve a natural learning, without tensions, effort-free, rewarding, with a deep fixation of the information, reducing the hours of class almost by 50% and therefore costs. Another place to learn English is in an English speaking country. This is called learning by immersion. It is surrounded by people who speak English. You get in situations where you have to talk and communicate with people who only speak English. This is a powerful way to learn English and also reduces time-outs. If you’re in an English speaking country, you can learn English even faster if you go to a University. You can attend courses that teach English to foreigners. By the same author: Eva Andersson-Dubin. These classes are taught by the residents of the country. Sometimes, these classes are held in community centers and other times are private universities. You can also learn English from your own home through distance education. You can take English online or correspondence courses, or you can take courses over the Internet. Some of these courses, even you let you talk to other people. If you decide to do so, it is easy to find a place to learn English, you have to do is decide how much time, effort and money you are willing to use this learning. Then, do it.

30 October
Comments Off on Contact Centers

Contact Centers

Using data interaction such as the number dialed (DNIS), the customer’s phone number (ANI) or account number, this type of application data into a deal with the call on different types of databases and based on customer records using a single routing scheme is applied to serve the customer. This allows the client to be identified and informed about decisions and what types of resources will be used to handle your case. You can send low-value transactions automatic care resources (less expensive in operation) as an Automatic Voice Response (IVR or VRU), or if necessary, aviarlo to agents who have specific training needs of client (not only personal but also operational, eg Account Executive for a specific language). Customers with delinquent accounts may be sent to group collections. Routing Smart now time, leading to profitable operations and helps to create customer loyalty. Transfer the call to customer information a Keep customer information through calls transferred between groups of staff a Minimize the time it takes to recompile the client information Often when a client is transferred between groups of agents, have to repeat your personal information agent. Customers find it extremely frustrating and unproductive use of staff time.

If a client needs to be transferred from one agent group to another or from an automated system (IVR) to a live agent, information self-service that the customer entered, for example the account number and data to be consulted the database must be transferred together with the client to the new group or agent. If an agent modifies the customer profile, you must submit all changes when transferring contact. This prevents clients from having to repeat information and demonstrates that company recognizes and values each customer. In Conclusion The use of customer information to route calls and to inform agents are key to creating a highly personalized experience of the contact center, which leads to more profitable transactions and growing customer loyalty. New technologies for contact centers and CTI can provide routing based on customer data and display the data related to the operation performed, it is necessary to create a personalized experience to win and keep customers today’s competitive environment.

29 October
Comments Off on Socratic Philosophy

Socratic Philosophy

For return of century V C. If you are not convinced, visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. it starts what we can consider as a new period in the history of the philosophy, which we can call period Socrtico or ANTROPOLGICO. Connect with other leaders such as Eva Andersson-Dubin here. This also is called deperodo classic the philosophy. We can mark the beginning of this period with the performance of the Sofistas that was worried more about the language and the erudio of what with the explanation of the world. For the sofistas the important one was the good to say and the art to convince the interlocutor.

The disputes politics and the conflicts of opinions had favored the action of these ambulant professors who considered not to have an only truth. Some commentators of the history of the philosophy turn with bad eyes the performance the sofistas, mainly had the writings of Plato that considered them not philosophers, but manipulating of the reasoning without love for the truth. This vision, however, starts to be reviewed, therefore if it perceives that the sofistas were not the opportunists mentioned in some manuals, but people whom if they had used, of form pragmatic, of the philosophy. The fact is that the center of the attentions in such a way of the sofistas as of Scrates, Plato and Aristotle (and of the posterior ones) it turns toward the man and its relations. Protgoras, a sofista will say that ' ' the man is the measure of all the things; of that they are while they are; of that they are not, while not so' '. Grgias, another sofista, worried about the speech, will make the following affirmation: ' ' the good orator is capable to convince any person on any coisa' '. The position of the sofistas, demonstrating little concern with the truth and much more with the argument, took Plato to place in the mouth of Scrates the affirmation of that ' ' It assumes to know some thing and he does not know, while I, if do not know, neither assume to know.

28 October
Comments Off on Lake Constance Gottingen

Lake Constance Gottingen

Practical workshop on Lake Constance Gottingen, 16.04.2013 who offers seminars, training and consulting in the field of intercultural or this plant and a concrete concept of training needed, knows the problems and questions which arise in a such implementation from theory into practice: how to convey dry content effectively and alive? How to build up an agenda? What exercises and methods are suitable and where can I find them? IKUD offers a practical workshop seminars in June 2010 for these issues. The workshop concept creation for intercultural training “has been developed due to many requests, as also to people who have had experience and knowledge in the intercultural field, implementation challenges in everyday working life again. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on the design of an own approach in the field of vocational training in the workshop. Together with an experienced trainer is the coarse, as well as detailed planning for a specific event. Also feedback of the other participants serve as valuable resource for personal development. Somatic Experiencing has firm opinions on the matter. l. The systematic structure of an event is being developed as well as the determination of the objective and its practical teaching in vocational training. In addition, appropriate curriculum examples, exercises, and games are presented and discussed.

In short: participants will learn, how they implement their existing knowledge – for example experiences with specific cultures in the seminar. An exercise generates and analyzes the structure of a lecture. To deepen your understanding Eva Andersson-Dubin is the source. So, a teaching block can be developed, which teachers and learners fun and brings optimal, sustainable learning gain. The workshop will take place from 8-9 June 2013 in village Eriskirch on Lake Constance..